A. Beginning April 22, 2019, a Large Food or Beverage Facility shall display on their premises advisory notices informing Customers about the Disposable Plastic Drinking Straws Ordinance and the environmental impact of Disposable Plastic Drinking Straws. A Large Food or Beverage facility shall be prohibited from having self-serve/self-service Disposable Plastic Drinking Straw dispensers, and from providing or offering a Disposable Plastic Drinking Straw to a Dine-in Customer or Take-out Customer, except upon Customer Request. A Large Food or Beverage Facility shall be permitted to ask a Drive-through Customer or Delivery Customer if the Customer wants a Disposable Plastic Drinking Straw, but shall be prohibited from providing a Disposable Plastic Drinking Straw to a Drive-through Customer and Delivery Customer, except upon Customer Request.
B. Beginning October 1, 2019, all other Food or Beverage Facilities shall comply with the requirements of Section 196.02 A.
C. Beginning November 15, 2021, a Large Food or Beverage Facility shall:
1. Display on its premises advisory notices informing Customers about the Disposable Foodware Accessories Ordinance and the environmental impact of Disposable Foodware Accessories;
2. Not provide self-serve/self-service Disposable Foodware Accessories dispensers, or provide or offer Disposable Foodware Accessories to a Dine-in Customer or Take-out Customer, except upon Customer Request;
3. Not provide any Disposable Foodware Accessories to a Drive-through Customer, Take-out Customer, or Delivery Customer without a Customer Request, but may ask a Drive-through Customer or Delivery Customer if the Customer wants any Disposal Foodware Accessories; and
4. Choose whether to provide specific Disposable Foodware Accessories to a Drive-Through, Take-out, or Delivery Customer to prevent spills or for safe transport or delivery of a Prepared Food or Beverage, such as cup lids, cup sleeves, and beverage trays, even without a Customer Request. A Customer Request shall not be necessary for a Drive-through Customer, Takeout Customer, or Delivery Customer to receive without a Request a cup sleeve if the Customer orders no more than one hot beverage, or a beverage tray if the Customer orders more than one beverage.
D. Beginning November 15, 2021, a Large Food or Beverage Facility with an Online Ordering Platform or using a Third-party Food Delivery Service with an Online Ordering Platform, and a Third-party Food Delivery Service with an Online Ordering Platform shall:
1. Identify the available Disposable Foodware Accessories from the Food or Beverage Facility that Customers may Request in an Online Order;
2. Include on any Online Ordering Platform an “opt-in” option for a Customer placing an Online Order to Request Disposable Foodware Accessories from available Disposable Foodware Accessories as part of the Customer’s Online Order;
3. Not provide Disposable Foodware Accessories to any Customer who does not affirmatively “opt-in” to Request Disposable Foodware Accessories as part of a pick-up or delivery of Online Order; and
4. Choose whether to provide specific Disposable Foodware Accessories to a Customer who placed an Online Order to prevent spills or for safe delivery of a Prepared Food or Beverage, such as cup lids, cup sleeves, and beverage trays, even without Customer Request. A Drive-through Customer, Take- out Customer, or Delivery Customer may receive without a Request a cup sleeve if the Customer orders no more than one hot beverage, or a beverage tray if the Customer orders more than one beverage.
F. Nothing in this article shall prohibit a Food or Beverage Facility or Third-party Food Delivery Service from providing a Disposable Plastic Drinking Straw or other Disposable straw that is included as part of a product that is pre-packaged by a manufacturer outside the City, such as a juice box.