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   (Amended by Ord. No. 183,236, Eff. 10/30/14.)
   For purposes of the limitations, prohibitions, and requirements contained in Charter Section 470 and this Article, contributions and expenditures from the following sets of persons will be aggregated and considered to be made by a single person. An aggregated contribution may not exceed the lowest contribution allowed for either person:
   A.   Two persons when one controls the other’s contribution activity.
   B.   A business entity and another person when the person participates in the business entity’s decision to make a contribution, is personally prohibited from making the contribution, and holds an ownership interest of at least 20 percent in the business entity.
   C.   A sponsored committee, as defined in Government Code Section 82048.7, and its sponsoring organization.
   D.   A committee and another person when the person participates in the committee’s decision to make a contribution, is personally prohibited from making the contribution, and provides (along or in conjunction with other similarly prohibited persons) 20 percent or more of the committee’s funding.
   E.   Two entities when the same individuals constitute a majority of each entity’s board of directors.
   F.   Two entities that share the same officers or a majority of officers. For the purposes of this Subsection, an officer does not include an individual who serves only as a member of the entity’s board of directors.
   G.   A corporation or limited liability company that shares the same majority shareholders or members as or holds a majority of the voting rights in another corporation or limited liability company.
   H.   Two corporations in a parent-subsidiary relationship, provided that at least one of the corporations is not publicly traded.
   I.   An individual and a corporation, limited liability company, firm, joint venture, syndicate, business trust, company, or other business entity other than a sole proprietorship or a general or limited partnership, in which the individual owns an investment of 50 percent or more, or holds a majority of the voting rights.
   J.   An individual and a sole proprietorship owned by the individual.
   K.   A general partner and a general or limited partnership in which the general partner owns an investment of 50 percent or more, or holds a majority of the voting rights.