(Amended by Ord. No. 187,122, Eff. 8/8/21.)
The General Manager of LAHD, with assistance from LADBS, shall prepare and report to the Mayor and the City Council annually with respect to the administration of this article and shall provide the following information:
A. Current data on the number of Residential Hotels and the number of Residential Units in each of the Residential Hotels in the City of Los Angeles;
B. Current data on the number of Residential Units Converted or Demolished pursuant to an approved application for clearance;
C. Current data on the number of Residential Units eliminated due to Demolition as a result of major fires, natural causes or accidents;
D. Current data on the number of Residential Units illegally converted;
E. Current data on the number of replacement housing units rehabilitated or constructed;
F. A summary of the enforcement efforts by all City agencies responsible for the administration of this article; and
G. A report on expenditures of monies in the Affordable Housing Trust Fund received pursuant to the provisions of this article.