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   (Added by Ord. No. 176,544, Eff. 5/2/05.)
   A.   The landlord shall indicate in its Tenant Habitability Plan whether the temporary relocation of one or more tenant households is necessary. Pursuant to Section 152.03 of this Code, the Department independently may determine whether temporary relocation is necessary in conjunction with its review of the Tenant Habitability Plan. The Department may also require the temporary relocation of a tenant at any time during the project if the Department determines temporary relocation is necessary to ensure the health or safety of the tenant.
   B.   The temporary relocation of a tenant pursuant to this article shall not constitute the voluntary vacating of that rental unit and shall not terminate the status and rights of a tenant, including the right to reoccupy the tenant’s rental unit upon the completion of the Primary Renovation Work and any Related Work.
   C.   A tenant who is temporarily relocated as a result of Primary Renovation Work shall continue to pay rent in the manner prescribed by any lease provision or accepted in the course of business between the landlord and the tenant.
   D.   A landlord shall pay for all temporary housing accommodation costs and any costs related to relocating the tenant to temporary housing accommodations, regardless of whether those costs exceed rent paid by the tenant. The landlord shall also pay any costs related to returning the tenant to the tenant’s unit, if applicable. The Commission may adopt guidelines or regulations regarding the payment of moving costs.
   E.   A landlord may choose to place a tenant’s rent and any other required payments in an escrow account. All costs of opening and maintaining the escrow account shall be borne by the landlord. Monies deposited into the escrow account shall be distributed in accordance with guidelines or regulations established by the Commission. The cost of opening an escrow account is not recoverable under Section 151.07 A.1.d. of this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 177,103, Eff. 12/18/05.)
   F.   A landlord must temporarily relocate a tenant to habitable temporary housing accommodations if the Primary Renovation Work and any Related Work will make the rental unit an untenantable dwelling, as defined in California Civil Code Section 1941.1, outside of the hours of 8:00 am through 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, or will expose the tenant at any time to toxic or hazardous materials including, but not limited to, lead-based paint and asbestos.
   1.   Temporary Replacement Housing Accommodations for 30 or more consecutive days. If the temporary relocation lasts 30 or more consecutive days, the landlord shall make available comparable housing either within the same building or in another building. For purposes of this section, a replacement unit shall be comparable to the existing unit if both units are comparable in size, number of bedrooms, accessibility, proximity to services and institutions upon which the displaced tenant depends, amenities, including allowance for pets, if necessary, and, if the tenant desires, location within five miles of the rental unit. The landlord and tenant may agree that the tenant will occupy a non-comparable replacement unit provided that the tenant is compensated for any reduction in services.
   2.   Temporary Replacement Housing Accommodations for fewer than 30 consecutive days. If the temporary relocation lasts less than 30 consecutive days, the landlord shall make available temporary housing that, at a minimum, provides habitable replacement accommodations within the same building or rental complex, in a hotel or motel, or in other external rental housing. The Commission may adopt guidelines or regulations regarding temporary housing. If the temporary housing is in a hotel, motel or other external rental housing, it shall be located no greater than two miles from the tenant’s rental unit, unless no such accommodation is available, and contain standard amenities such as a telephone.
   3.   Per Diem Payment. A landlord and tenant may mutually agree to allow the landlord to pay the tenant a per diem amount for each day of temporary relocation in lieu of providing temporary replacement housing. The agreement shall be in writing and signed by the landlord and tenant and shall contain the tenant’s acknowledgment that the tenant received notice of the tenant’s rights under this section and that the tenant understands the tenant’s rights. The landlord shall provide a copy of this agreement to the Department.
   G.   The landlord shall provide written notice, before the tenant is temporarily displaced, advising the tenant of the right to reoccupy the unit under the existing terms of tenancy once the Primary Renovation Work and any Related Work is completed. Unless the landlord provides the temporary replacement housing, the tenant shall provide the landlord with the address to be used for future notifications by the landlord. When the date on which the unit will be available for reoccupancy is known, or as soon as possible thereafter, the landlord shall provide written notice to the tenant by personal delivery, or registered or certified mail, and shall provide a copy of that notice to the Department. If the tenant was temporarily relocated for over 30 days and has a separate tenancy agreement with a third party housing provider, the landlord shall give the tenant a minimum of 30 days written notice to reoccupy. In all other cases, the landlord shall give the tenant a minimum of seven days written notice to reoccupy, unless the landlord gave the tenant written notice of the date of reoccupancy prior to the start of temporary relocation.