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   (Added by Ord. No. 176,544, Eff. 5/2/05.)
   A.   Building Permits.
   1.   No landlord shall undertake Primary Renovation Work without first obtaining a permit, pursuant to Sections 91.106, 92.0129, 92.0132, 93.0201, 94.103, or 95.112.2 of this Code. This requirement applies to all Primary Renovation Work, regardless of whether such work is eligible for a rent adjustment under any of the provisions of Section 151.07 A.1. of this Code and regardless of which provision of that subdivision, if any, is intended to be used as a ground for seeking a rent adjustment following the completion of the work.
   2.   The Department shall clear a landlord’s application for a permit for Primary Renovation Work if both of the following conditions have been met:
   a.   The landlord has submitted a Tenant Habitability Plan which, in accordance with Subsection C. of this section, the Department finds to adequately mitigate the impact of Primary Renovation Work and any Related Work upon affected tenants; and
   b.   The landlord has submitted a declaration documenting service to affected tenants of both a Notice of Primary Renovation Work and a copy of the non-confidential portions of the Tenant Habitability Plan.
   B.   Tenant Habitability Plan. At a minimum, a Tenant Habitability Plan shall provide the following information, together with any other information the Department deems necessary to ensure that the impact of Primary Renovation Work and any Related Work upon affected tenants is adequately mitigated:
   1.   Identification of the landlord, the general contractor responsible for the Primary Renovation Work, and any specialized contractor responsible for hazardous material abatement, including but not limited to lead-based paint and asbestos.
   2.   Identification of all affected tenants including the current rent each tenant pays and the date of each tenant’s last rent increase. In accordance with California Civil Code Sec. 1798 et seq., information regarding tenants shall be considered confidential.
   3.   Description of the scope of work covering the Primary Renovation Work and any Related Work. Such description shall address the overall work to be undertaken on all affected units and common areas, the specific work to be undertaken on each affected unit, an estimate of the total project cost and time, and an estimate of the cost and time of renovation for each affected unit.
   4.   Identification of the impact of the Primary Renovation Work and Related Work on the habitability of affected rental units, including a discussion of impact severity and duration with regard to noise, utility interruption, exposure to hazardous materials, interruption of fire safety systems, inaccessibility of all or portions of each affected rental unit, and disruption of other tenant services.
   5.   Identification of the mitigation measures that will be adopted to ensure that tenants are not required to occupy an untenantable dwelling, as defined in California Civil Code Section 1941.1, outside of the hours of 8:00 am through 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, and are not exposed at any time to toxic or hazardous materials including, but not limited to, lead-based paint and asbestos. Such measures may include the adoption of work procedures that allow a tenant to remain on-site and/or the temporary relocation of tenants.
   6.   Identification of the impact of the Primary Renovation Work and Related Work on the personal property of affected tenants, including work areas which must be cleared of furnishings and other tenant property, and the exposure of tenant property to theft or damage from hazards related to work or storage.
   7.   Identification of the mitigation measures that will be adopted to secure and protect tenant property from reasonably foreseeable damage or loss.
   C.   Plan Acceptance.
   1.   The Department shall make a determination regarding the adequacy of a landlord’s Tenant Habitability Plan within five working days of the Department’s receipt of the plan for review. The Department shall accept those plans which meet the requirements of Subsection B. of this section and which it determines, with reference to the standards set forth in California Civil Code Section 1941.1 and in accordance with any regulations or guidelines adopted by the Commission, will adequately mitigate the impacts of Primary Renovation Work and any Related Work upon tenants. The Tenant Habitability Plan may allow for the temporary disruption of major systems during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, without requiring the relocation of tenants in order to adequately mitigate the impacts upon the affected tenants. However tenants should not be exposed at any time to toxic or hazardous materials including, but not limited to, lead-based paint and asbestos.
   2.   The Department’s acceptance of a Tenant Habitability Plan shall be subject to the landlord having no outstanding balances due for rent registration or code enforcement fees.
   3.   The Department shall provide landlords with written indications of deficiencies which must be addressed whenever a Tenant Habitability Plan is determined to be inadequate. A landlord may submit an amended plan in order to correct identified deficiencies.
   4.   Landlords and tenants may appeal the Department’s determination regarding a Tenant Habitability Plan to a hearing officer. The appeal shall be made in writing, upon appropriate forms provided by the Department, and shall specify the grounds for appeal. The appeal shall be filed within 15 calendar days of the service of the Department’s determination, as required by Section 152.04 of this Code and shall be accompanied by the payment of an administrative fee of $35.00. The requested hearing shall be held within 30 calendar days of the filing of the appeal following the procedures set forth in Section 151.07 A.3. of this Code. The hearing officer shall issue a written decision within ten calendar days of the hearing on the appeal, with a copy of the decision served on the landlord and the tenants by first class mail, postage prepaid, or in person.
   D.   Notice of Primary Renovation Work. Notice of Primary Renovation Work shall be written in the language in which the original lease was negotiated and shall provide the following information:
   1.   The estimated start and completion dates of any Primary Renovation Work and Related Work associated with a Tenant Habitability Plan accepted by the Department.
   2.   A description of the Primary Renovation Work and Related Work to be performed and how it will impact that particular tenant or household.
   3.   The details of temporary relocation, if necessitated by the Primary Renovation Work, and associated tenant rights under this article.
   4.   Instructions that tenants with questions should consult the landlord, the Department, or the Department’s designee.
   5.   Notice of a tenant’s right to reoccupy the units under the existing terms of tenancy upon completion of Primary Renovation Work, subject to rent adjustments as authorized under this chapter.
   6.   Notice that the tenant may appeal the Department’s acceptance of a Tenant Habitability Plan in cases where the tenant does not agree with the landlord regarding the necessity for the tenant to either be temporarily displaced or remain in place during Primary Renovation Work, provided such request is submitted within 15 days of the tenant’s receipt of the Notice of Primary Renovation Work.