(Amended by Ord. No. 187,719, Eff. 1/23/23.)
Chapter 6 of the CPC is adopted by reference with the following exceptions: CPC Sections 603.5.12 and 610.5 are not adopted and Los Angeles Municipal Code Subsections 94.603.5.12, 94.610.4.1, 94.610.4.1.1, 94.610.4.1.2, 94.610.4.1.3, and 94.610.5 are added.
94.603.5.12. Beverage Dispensers. Potable water supply to carbonated beverage dispensers shall be protected by an air gap or vented backflow preventer that complies with ASSE 1022. For carbonated beverage dispensers, piping material installed downstream of the backflow preventer shall not be affected by carbon dioxide gas. Potable water supply to non-carbonated beverage dispensers, such as ice makers and coffee machines, shall be protected by an air gap or dual check backflow preventer that comply with ASSE 1032 or ASSE 1024.
94.610.4.1. Hot Water Delivery. Hot water systems shall comply with LAMC Subdivisions 94.610.4.1.1, 94.610.4.1.2 or 94.610.4.1.3.
1. Multi-family buildings where each unit is submetered and where the building has a central hot water heating system.
2. Additions that are supplied by any portion of the existing water heating system.
3. Alterations that do not include replacing all of the potable water piping.
94.610.4.1.2. Where a hot water recirculation or electric resistance heat trace wire system is installed, the branch from the recirculating loop or electric resistance heat trace wire to the fixture shall contain a maximum of 0.6 gallons. Hot water recirculation systems may include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Timer-initiated systems.
2. Temperature sensor-initiated systems.
3. Occupancy sensor-initiated systems.
4. Smart hot water recirculation systems.
5. Other systems acceptable to the Department.
1. The hot water supply piping from the water heater to the fixtures shall take the most direct path;
2. The total developed length of pipe from the water heater to the farthest fixture shall not exceed the distances specified in Table 3.6.5 of the 2019 California Energy Code Residential Appendix; and
3. The hot water supply piping shall be installed and insulated in accordance with Section RA3.6.2 of the 2019 California Energy Code Residential Appendix.