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   (Amended by Ord. No. 187,719, Eff. 1/23/23.)
   Chapter 27 of the CBC is hereby adopted by reference, except that Los Angeles Municipal Code Subsections 91.2702.2.11.1, 91.2702.2.16.1, and 91.2702.2.19.1 are added.
91.2702.2.11.1. Fuel Supply. An on-premises fuel supply, sufficient for not less than 6-hour full-load operation of the emergency and standby power source(s), shall be provided. This fuel supply shall not be less than 8-hour when the load also includes fire pump(s).
91.2702.2.16.1. Fuel Supply. An on-premises fuel supply, sufficient for not less than 6-hour full-load operation of the emergency and standby power source(s), shall be provided. This fuel supply shall not be less than 8-hour when the load also includes fire pump(s).
91.2702.2.19.1. Fuel Supply. An on-premises fuel supply, sufficient for not less than 6-hour full-load operation of the emergency and standby power source(s), shall be provided. This fuel supply shall not be less than 8-hour when the load also includes fire pump(s).