Building permits shall be presumed to incorporate the provision that the applicant, the applicant’s agent, employees or contractors shall carry out the proposed work in accordance with the approved plans and with all requirements of this Code and any other laws or regulations applicable thereto, whether specified or not.
No approval shall relieve or exonerate any person from the responsibility of complying with the provisions and intent of this Code.
91.111.1. The Superintendent of Building shall determine what changes in the Code are necessary to more adequately protect the public health, safety and welfare, based on studies of the following:
1. Schedules of requests for deviation from the provisions of the Code and for approval of materials and methods of construction;
2. Schedules of violations of the provisions of this Code;
3. Schedules of convictions and nonconvictions, and the reasons for nonconvictions, by the city attorney’s office;
4. Changes and improvements in materials, methods of construction and design;
5. Investigations of fire and structural damage to buildings.
91.111.2. Upon request, the board shall consult with and provide advice to the Superintendent of Building on any matter relating to proposed changes of this Code.
(Added by Ord. No. 182,850, Eff. 1/3/14.)
(Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
From | To | |
$0.00 | $100 inclusive | None |
$100.01 | $2,000 inclusive | $65.00 |
$2,000.01 | $20,000 inclusive | $40.00 plus $1.25 per $100 or fraction thereof of total valuation. |
$20,000.01 | $50,000 inclusive | $170.00 plus 6.00 per $1,000 or fraction thereof of total valuation |
$50,000.01 | $100,000 inclusive | $195.00 plus $5.50 per $1,000 or fraction thereof of total valuation |
$100,000.01 | $500,000 inclusive | $395.00 plus $3.50 per $1,000 or fraction thereof of total valuation |
$500,000.01 | $1,000,000 inclusive | $520.00 plus $3.25 per $1,000 or fraction thereof of total valuation |
Over 1,000,000 | $920.00 plus $2.85 per $1,000 or fraction thereof of total valuation | |
1 The building permit fee specified in this table shall be increased by a surcharge pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section 2705 (State Strong Motion Instrumentation Program). This surcharge shall not be included in the building permit fee for the purpose of determining the plan check fee.
2 The permit fee specified in the table above shall be increased by 10% for all construction or work required to comply with the rules and regulations adopted by the California General Resources Conservation and Development Commission. This increase in fee shall be included in the building permit fee for the purpose of determining the plan checking fee.
3 The permit fee specified in this table shall be increased by 12.5% for all construction or work required to comply with the state's disabled access and adaptability requirements at Part 2, Title 24, of the California Code of Regulations. The increase in fee shall be included in the building permit fee for the purpose of determining the plan check fee.
4 The minimum permit fee for projects that require more than one inspection shall be double the minimum inspection fee specified in LAMC Section 98.0412(a).
(Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
(R-3 Occ.) | Building | Elec. | Plumb. | Mech. | Combined Fees |
New Construction | See Table 1-A | 26% of bldg permit fee | 26% of bldg permit fee | 13% of bldg permit fee | 165% of bldg permit fee determined from Table 1-A |
Alteration | See Table 1-A | 26% of bldg permit fee | 26% of bldg permit fee | 13% of bldg permit fee | 165% of bldg permit fee determined from Table 1-A |
Swimming Pool | See Table 1-A | 175% of bldg permit fee determined from Table 1-A | |||
Solar Heating and Cooling System | See Table 1-A |
(Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
A Occupancy | $98.00 each assembly room or area |
E Occupancy | $98.00 each classroom |
I Occupancy | $98.00 each floor or portion thereof |
H Occupancy | $98.00 each floor or portion thereof |
B, F, M or S Occupancy | $98.00 each floor or portion thereof |
R1 Occupancy | $189.00 each floor or portion thereof |
R3 Occupancy | $302.00 |
(Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
Soils engineering/foundation or geology report For the first lot plus $5.00 for each additional lot or for the first acre plus $25.00 for each additional acre or fraction thereof, whichever is the greater fee. | $363.00 |
Supplemental fee For each supplemental foundation investigation, soils engineering, or geology report. | $181.00 |
a Where the soil engineering/foundation and geology reports are submitted together or combined into one report, the fee shall be doubled.
b Report fees for minor work may be reduced to one half of the calculated fee, as determined by the Department.
c Fees are based on single projects and contiguous properties.
d Additional fees for division of land review shall be collected as required by LAMC Subdivision
e The fees in this table shall be increased by 50%, when the reports are reviewed during off-hours at the request of the applicant and acceptance by the Department.
(Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
100 cubic yards or less | $160.00 |
101 - 1,000 cubic yards | $160.00 for the first 100 cubic yards, plus $135.00 for each additional 100 cubic yards or fraction thereof. |
1,001 - 10,000 cubic yards | $1,375.00 for the first 1,000 cubic yards, plus $150.00 for each additional 1,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. |
10,001 - 100,000 cubic yards | $2,725.00 for the first 10,000 cubic yards, plus $500.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. |
100,001 cubic yards or more | $7,225.00 for the first 100,000 cubic yards, plus $250.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. |