80.25 Following or Parking Near Fire Apparatus.
80.26 Driving Through Funeral Processions.
80.27 Riding on Bicycles.
80.28 Clinging to Moving Vehicles.
80.29 Vehicles Shall Not Be Driven on the Sidewalk.
80.30 New Pavement.
80.30.1 Curb Parking – Right of Way.
80.30.2 Horse Drawn Vehicles.
80.31 Vehicles on Private Property.
(Amended by Ord. No. 168,782, Eff. 7/12/93.)
(a) No driver of a vehicle shall follow any fire apparatus answering a fire alarm, or another vehicle answering an emergency call, closer than one block.
(b) No person shall park any vehicle within the block where any fire apparatus or other emergency vehicle has stopped in response to an emergency call.