(Amended by Ord. No. 181,702, Eff. 6/13/11.)
(a) The City Engineer shall have the authority and duty to establish street address numbers expressed in Arabic numerals or figures and notwithstanding street address numbers located on street curbs, to prescribe their location on buildings, structures and parking lots, and to order the installation, change, substitution and removal of all such numbers to fulfill the provisions of this Article.
(b) Every person requesting issuance of a new street number or change of an existing street number that is not associated with a building permit application shall pay the City a fee in the amount of $77 to pay for the work involved in processing the request. The Board of Public Works may adjust this fee and adopt a new fee amount in the same manner as provided in Section 12.37 I.1. of this Code for establishing a fee to process an appeal from an improvement requirement determination by the City Engineer. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,054, Eff. 3/6/16.)
(Amended by Ord. No. 144,527, Eff. 4/19/73.)
(a) Every person exercising or having ownership, possession, custody, control, or charge of any building, structure or parking lot shall have and maintain the established street address number thereon upon or near each entrance from a street of the City, and from any other public access way, in the manner and location designated by the City Engineer. “Access way,” shall include, but not be limited to, any alley, waterway, stairway, driveway or walkway. (Amended by Ord. No. 161,786, Eff. 1/9/87.)
(b) Installation, change, substitution or removal of any existing or subsequently-designated street address number shall be completed within five (5) days after receipt by the owner, occupant, lessee, tenant, subtenant, fiduciary, or custodian of such building, structure or parking lot, or any person or agent in charge thereof, of a written notice containing appropriate instructions therefor, from the City Engineer.
(c) The minimum dimensions of any street address number designated by the City Engineer on or after June 1, 1973, shall be as follows:
i. The height in inches of any number or figure therein shall be the sum of one-tenth (1/10) of the distance in feet of the number from the boundary of the property (upon which the building, structure or parking lot is situated) abutting the street, plus two (2), providing that every number shall not be less than four inches in height.
ii. The overall width of any figure in or comprising the number shall be one-half (1/2) of its height.
iii. The width of any portion of a figure in or comprising the number shall be one-tenth (1/10) of its height.
(d) Design (including shape and style) as well as location of the street address numbers shall be such that they are legible and easily readable. The City Engineer may prescribe a street address number larger in size than the dimensions stated at Subparagraph (c) hereinabove when the City Engineer determines that due to lighting conditions, building locations, shadows, background, or other reasons, street address numbers of minimum dimensions will not be easily readable from the street or approach to the entrance. A street address number of unusual design or placement may not be employed without prior written approval of the City Engineer.
(e) The City Engineer shall adopt such reasonable rules and regulations as are necessary to implement the street address numbers provisions of this article.
The following shall be the respective starting points or dividing lines for numbers on buildings fronting on streets heretofore laid out or hereafter to be laid out or extended, viz.: from east to west, First Street; from north to south, Main Street from the south boundary of the City to a point on the west bank of the Los Angeles River, and the Los Angeles river; thence to the north boundary of the City, numbers shall begin at the above named starting point or dividing lines and continue to the terminal of the respective streets; provided that on all streets lying east of the Los Angeles River and extending north or northerly from First Street, the numbers shall continue to the northerly terminus of the street, or to Macy Street or Mission Road; and provided that on all streets extending south or southerly from Downey Avenue, the numbers shall begin at Downey Avenue as the dividing line and continue south to the terminus of the street or to Macy Street or Mission Road; and provided, further, that on all streets extending north or northerly from Downey Avenue, the numbers shall begin at Downey Avenue and continue to the northerly terminus of the street.
(Amended by Ord. No. 144,527, Eff. 4/19/73.)
The street address numbers on the northerly and westerly sides of the streets shall be odd numbers, the street address numbers on the southerly and easterly sides of the streets shall be even numbers.
One hundred numbers or as many thereof as may be necessary, shall be allowed to each block. No. 100 shall be the first number used at the respective beginning point on the sides of the streets which are to contain the even numbers, and No. 101 for the sides which are to contain the odd numbers. At the beginning of the second block from the starting point, the first numbers shall be 200 and 201, respectively and so continue throughout the system.
Twenty feet frontage shall be allowed for each number, to be calculated from the end of the block at which the number begins. On all streets the numbering shall be done as if the streets extended to the dividing lines for the City, as defined in Section 63.114 of this article.
No person shall have in their possession or under their control any key belonging to or fitted to open the lock of any city communications box subject to the jurisdiction of the Department of General Services, or to make or fit any such key without the permission of the Board of Fire Commissioners, the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, the Board of Police Commissioners, the Chief of Police or the Department of General Services. (Amended by Ord. No. 152,426, Eff. 6/29/79, Oper. 7/1/79.)