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   (Amended by Ord. No. 172,479, Eff. 4/10/99, Oper. 4/1/99.)
   A.   Requirement. An individual who qualifies as a lobbyist shall register with the City Ethics Commission within 10 days after the end of the calendar month in which the individual qualifies as a lobbyist. A person, including an individual lobbyist, shall register with the City Ethics Commission as a lobbying firm within 10 days after the end of the calendar month in which a partner, owner, shareholder, officer or employee qualifies as a lobbyist. If a person is not registered as a lobbyist or lobbying firm, but is performing acts which would require that person to so register, that person may continue to act as a lobbyist or lobbying firm so long as the person registers with the City Ethics Commission within 10 days after the person knew or should have known of the obligation to register. A lobbyist or lobbying firm shall register each client on whose behalf or from which the lobbyist or lobbying firm receives or becomes entitled to receive $250 or more in a calendar quarter for engaging in lobbying activities related to attempting to influence municipal legislation.
   B.   Duration of Status. A person who registers as a lobbyist or lobbying firm shall retain that status through December 31 of that year unless and until that person terminates the status as set forth below.
   C.   Registration Fees. Every lobbyist shall pay an annual registration fee of $450 plus $75 for each client on whose behalf or from which the lobbyist receives or becomes entitled to receive $250 or more in a calendar quarter. Persons who initially register during the last quarter of a calendar year (October through December) shall pay prorated registration fees of $337 for each lobbyist plus $56 for each client. (Amended by Ord. No. 175,028, Eff. 2/5/03.)
   D.   Contents of Registration Statements – Lobbyists. Registration statements of lobbyists shall contain the following:
   1.   The lobbyist’s name, business address, business email, and business telephone number. (Amended by Ord. No. 182,360, Eff. 1/30/13.)
   2.   The lobbying firm, if any, of which the lobbyist is an employee, partner, officer or owner.
   3.   If the lobbyist is not an employee, partner, officer or owner of a lobbying firm, the name, address and telephone number of the lobbyist’s employer. (Amended by Ord. No. 182,360, Eff. 1/30/13.)
   4.   Each City agency that the lobbyist has the authority to attempt to influence on behalf of any client or employer.
   5.   A statement that the lobbyist has reviewed and understands the requirements of this article.
   6.   Any other information required by regulation of the City Ethics Commission, consistent with the purposes and provisions of this article.
   E.   Contents of Registration Statements – Lobbying Firms. Registration statements of lobbying firms (including individual contract lobbyists) shall contain the following:
   1.   The name, address, email, and telephone number of the firm. (Amended by Ord. No. 182,360, Eff. 1/30/13.)
   2.   The name of each lobbyist who is a partner, owner, shareholder, officer or employee of the firm.
   3.   For each client on whose behalf or from which the firm received or became entitled to receive $250 in compensation during the calendar quarter for engaging in lobbying activities related to attempting to influence municipal legislation within the meaning of this Article: (Renumbered and Amended by Ord. No. 182,360, Eff. 1/30/13.)
   (a)    The client’s name, business or residence address, and business or residence telephone number.
   (b)    The period during which the representation will occur.
   (c)    The item or items of municipal legislation for which the firm was retained to represent the client, or, if no specific items of municipal legislation for which the firm was retained to represent the client can be identified, a description of the types of municipal legislation for which the firm was retained to represent the client.
   (d)    Each City agency that the lobbying firm has the authority to attempt to influence on behalf of the client.
   (e)    In the case of a lobbyist who is an individual contract lobbyist, a statement that the lobbyist has reviewed and understands the requirements of this Article.
   (f)    The name, address, email, and telephone number of the person responsible for preparing the statement.
   (g)    Any other information required by regulation of the City Ethics Commission, consistent with the purposes and provisions of this Article.
   F.   Amendments to Registrations. Lobbyists and lobbying firms shall file amendments to their registration statements within 10 days of any change in information required to be set forth on the registration statement. (Renumbered and Former Subsection F. deleted by Ord. No. 182,360, Eff. 1/30/13.)
   G.   Termination. Any person registered under this Article shall file a termination statement with the City Ethics Commission within 20 days after ceasing all activity governed by this Article. (Renumbered and Amended by Ord. No. 182,360, Eff. 1/30/13.)
   H.   Education Requirement. Every individual who is required to register as a lobbyist shall attend a City lobbying information session conducted by the City Ethics Commission no less than once every two calendar years, according to the following schedule: (Renumbered by Ord. No. 182,360, Eff. 1/30/13.)
   (1)   An individual who has not registered as a lobbyist in the immediately preceding two calendar years shall attend a City lobbying information session within six months of the individual’s registration date as a lobbyist.
   (2)   A registered lobbyist who did not attend a City lobbying information session during the previous calendar year shall attend a City lobbying session by the end of the current calendar year.
   (3)   A registered lobbyist who attends a City lobbying information session during the current calendar year is not required to attend a City lobbying information session during the following calendar year.