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   (Title and Section Amended by Ord. No. 182,360, Eff. 1/30/13.)
   A.   All registrations, reports, and other filings required by this Article must be submitted under penalty of perjury by the person who is required to file and must be filed in a format prescribed by the Ethics Commission. The Ethics Commission must provide public access to all filings.
   B.   Lobbying entities and persons who qualify as lobbying entities must file registrations, quarterly reports, terminations and amendments to those filings electronically.
   C.   If an electronic filing is required, the Ethics Commission must provide a unique identifier to the person who is required to file, to be used in place of a physical signature for submitting and verifying data under penalty of perjury. All electronic filings are presumed to be filed under penalty of perjury by the person required to file.
   D.   If a paper filing is required, it must contain the physical signature of the person who is required to file. A document is considered filed on the earlier of the date of receipt by the Ethics Commission or the date of the postmark if it is mailed and bears the correct address and postage.