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   (Amended by Ord. No. 187,525, Eff. 7/16/22.)
   (a)   Except pursuant to Subsection (b) hereof, a Tobacco Retailer’s Permit is not transferable. If a new person or Proprietor acquires a business engaged in Tobacco Retailing, the person or Proprietor must apply for a new Tobacco Retailer’s Permit before engaging in the Sale of any Tobacco Product.
   (b)   The transfer or Sale of a Hookah Lounge in the possession of a valid Tobacco Retailer’s Permit issued prior to the effective date of this ordinance does not automatically transfer the Tobacco Retailer’s Permit associated with the Hookah Lounge. However, the transferee or prospective purchaser of a Hookah Lounge may apply for a new Tobacco Retailer’s Permit and, if approved, will be deemed to first have been issued the Tobacco Retailer’s Permit for purposes of Section 46.90.1(b) prior to the effective date of this section.