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   (Added by Ord. No. 164,083, Eff. 11/6/88.)
   (1)   The Police Department shall have the authority to license businesses which provide bingo supplies or equipment to organizations licensed to play bingo in the City of Los Angeles and to promulgate and administer rules and regulations with respect to the licensing of such organizations. (First Sentence Amended by Ord. No. 171,262, Eff. 10/4/96.) Such rules shall be submitted to and approved by the City Council.
   (2)   No person shall engage in, conduct, manage or carry on the business of selling, or sell, bingo supplies or equipment to any organization licensed to play bingo in the City of Los Angeles without a license for such purpose issued by the Police Department. (Amended by Ord. No. 171,262, Eff. 10/4/96.)