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   (Amended by Ord. No. 175,060, Eff. 3/4/03.)
   The Department shall have the following powers:
   (a)   To endorse, upon request, those charitable organizations which submit to investigation and meet the following requirements:
   (1)   That a direct service program is provided to the community by the organization;
   (2)   That the work for which the organization was created has been performed;
   (3)   That a board of directors or trustees exercises full control and direction of the organization;
   (4)   That the members of the board of directors or trustees are not compensated for their services;
   (5)   That the compensated administrative head of the organization is not a member of the board of directors or trustees;
   (6)   That no monies of the organization are on loan directly or indirectly to any officer, director, trustee or employee of the organization;
   (7)   That the organization has not paid out more than 20 percent of any amount collected by solicitation for expenses of solicitation and has not diverted funds donated to it from any source to purposes other than those for which they were donated;
   (8)   That for the period of one year prior to the endorsement, the organization has kept its records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and standards for non-profit organizations;
   (9)   That for the period of one year prior to the endorsement, the organization has not violated any law applicable to it. The Department shall issue said endorsement to any organization that complies with the abovementioned requirements. An endorsement shall be valid for one year from the date of its issuance or most recent renewal. Renewal of an endorsement may be granted upon the same conditions as an original endorsement may be issued;
   (b)   To refuse to endorse or revoke endorsement of an organization that does not comply with the requirements of Subsection (a) of this section, subject to the following procedure:
   (1)   The Department shall notify the organization in writing of the reasons for denial or revocation of endorsement.
   (2)   The organization may appeal the denial or revocation of endorsement by written request filed with the Board of Police Commissioners within ten days after notification of the denial or revocation. If an appeal is filed, the Department shall withhold making a final decision until the report of the Board of Police Commissioners has been received. If an appeal is not filed within the prescribed time limit, the decision to deny or revoke endorsement shall be final.
   (3)   The Board of Police Commissioners shall schedule a hearing within 30 days after receipt of the appeal and shall send notice of the time and place of the hearing to the organization by certified mail no later than ten days prior to the date set for the hearing.
   (4)   The organization and the Department may submit evidence relative to their respective positions in writing prior to the hearing or in writing or orally at the hearing.
   (5)   The hearing shall be held before the Board of Police Commissioners which shall notify the Department of its findings within five days after completion of the hearing process.
   (6)   The Department shall notify the organization of the Board’s decision after receiving the findings of the Board of Police Commissioners.
   (c)   To convene on no less than an annual basis representatives of endorsed organizations to secure cooperation among charities in the City to the end that a comprehensive and economical plan in philanthropy is promoted;
   (d)   To provide advice, counsel and training opportunities to all charitable organizations in the City on the methods and procedures that lead to or help maintain endorsement.