(a) There is hereby created and established in the Treasury of the City of Los Angeles a special fund to be known as the Graffiti Technology and Recovery Fund.
(b) There is hereby established an Oversight Committee composed of the City Attorney, the Chief of Police and the President of the Board of Public Works, or their respective designated representatives, to recommend actions and expenditures, to identify, organize, implement and coordinate technology for the early identification, intervention and apprehension of graffiti vandals.
(c) All monies derived from the sources identified in Sec. 5.553 shall be deposited into the Fund. The Oversight committee is responsible for recommending actions to provide for financing the necessary technology needed for the collection and retention of graffiti photographs and the early identification of graffiti vandals. Once the Graffiti Reward Program and necessary technology is properly funded, the remaining money in the Fund may be used to finance increased recovery and collection efforts, early intervention and prevention programs in the most affected communities or neighborhoods, and City abatement efforts.
(d) All proposed transfers, appropriations, and expenditures from the Fund, including transfers from one account to another account within the Fund, must be submitted to the Oversight Committee for its recommendation and approved by the City Council.
(e) The Fund shall be administered by the City Clerk, or body approved and designated by the Oversight Committee.
(f) All interest and earnings on monies in the Fund shall be credited to the Fund and shall be used only for the purposes of the Fund. Money in the Fund shall not revert to the Reserve Fund of the City pursuant to Charter Section 344.
Chapter and Section Added by Ord. No. 180,708, Eff. 7-6-09.