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Sec. 5.553. Purpose of the Fund.
   The purpose of the Graffiti Technology and Recovery Fund (Fund) is to establish a repository for deposit of monies derived from collection of restitution, both criminal and civil, as well as civil penalty fines, administrative fees and law enforcement investigative costs from graffiti offenders, and other sources, which are to be used for financing graffiti technology and recovery, including funding of the Graffiti Reward Program established pursuant to Section 19.129.2 of this Code.
   The Fund may also be used for the receipt of any other donation, gift, contribution or similar funding source received by the City for the purposes for which this Fund is established. The acceptance of such funding shall be subject to approval of the City Council. The Controller shall establish a separate segregated account within the Fund for any monies received by the City which are subject to special requirement, qualification or condition.
Chapter and Section Added by Ord. No. 180,708, Eff. 7-6-09.