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Sec. 22.468. Powers and Duties of the General Manager.
   a.   Subject to the provisions of this chapter, as well as applicable Federal and State, and local laws, the General Manager Community Development shall:
   1.   Have full charge and control of all work of the Department;
   2.   Be responsible, upon the provision of resources, for the proper administration of its activities including the community development, comprehensive employment and training, community analysis, funded by the Federal Government or the State of California or a County through various Federal, State or County departments via grants-in-aid, block grants, special revenue sharing, loans, and other community development programs, and other activities assigned by the Council and the Mayor.
   3.   Recommend to the Council and Mayor for their approval community development plans and programs pursuant to the purpose of the Department as set forth in this chapter;
   4.   Prepare and maintain a comprehensive analysis of the City relative to physical, economic and social factors of community development;
   5.   Provide technical assistance and information relative to community development to City departments, bureaus, agencies, officers and offices;
   6.   Prior to the beginning of each fiscal year submit an annual administrative budget covering the anticipated revenues and expenditures of the Department conforming to the forms and dates provided in the Charter and ordinances in relation to the general City budget;
   7.   From time to time prepare for consideration of the Council and the Mayor plans for utilization of funds available for community development purposes, such as Housing and Community Development Act, and CETA funds.
   8.   Expend the funds of the Department in accordance with the provisions of the budget appropriations or appropriations made subsequent to the budget;
   9.   Certify all expenditures to the Chief Accounting Employee of the Department;
   10.   Execute contracts and contract amendments, subject to the provisions of the Charter, on behalf of the City to implement projects previously approved by the Council and the Mayor as to scope, dollar amount, area and persons served in approving Federal or State grant award contracts for receipt of financial or technical assistance. Prior to execution, such contracts and contract amendments shall be approved by the Council and Mayor, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality. Provided, however, that the General Manager shall have the power to execute modifications to contracts with parties other than grantors as indicated hereafter. Such modifications shall be serially numbered or alphabetically lettered for each contract modified, shall be duly executed by the appropriate parties, approved as to form by the City Attorney, and shall be filed with the City Clerk, the Controller, and other interested agencies. It is the intent of this paragraph to provide for the expeditious processing of contracts and administrative requirements thereto in order to implement programs, projects and contracts approved by the Mayor and Council. It is not the intent that this paragraph be used to make substantial changes or modifications of contracts, programs, or projects not consistent with the intent of the Mayor and Council. This paragraph shall apply to modifications to contracts as follows:
   a.   Adjust funds between cost categories within contracts. Funds may be reallocated between costs categories, provided such reallocation does not alter the scope of service or general level services specified in the contract. Adjustments may not increase or decrease the cost categories in excess of $25,000 per adjustment up to a maximum of $25,000 per each Council approved contract period.
   b.   Review and approve all modifications which change any salaries or fringe benefits.
   c.   Non-Financial Modifications. Contracts may be modified to correct administrative errors or oversights, to modify the term, to modify the conditions, etc., provided the modifications do not change the scope or level of services to be provided, or the area or segment of the population to be served.
   d.   Modifications which must comply with policies and procedures established by the Director of the Office of Administrative and Research Services include the following: modifications to change the contract funding level by an amount not to exceed $1,000 per Council approved contract period to correct administrative errors, oversights, provide for unanticipated costs increases of contract items previously budgeted or provide for other costs deemed reasonable and necessary by the General Manager, provided that the modification does not substantially change the scope or level of service to be provided or the area or segment of the population to be served. Accordingly, subject to the prior approval of the Director of the Office of Administrative and Research Services, funds of not more than $1,000 per Council approved contract period may be transferred between project contracts accounts of all special funds administered by the Department. Notwithstanding the foregoing, modifications which are not within the prerogative of the City shall not be made without prior written authorization of the grantor.
   b.   It is anticipated that financial assistance for community development programs and projects will include, among other sources, Federal general and/or special revenue sharing grants, State funds, County funds, City appropriated funds and other funds and that such funds shall be applied to redevelopment, water, sewage, open space, neighborhood facilities, community programs, model neighborhood programs, employment and training, and other community development activities. The Department is intended to serve as the entity responsible for carrying out or causing to be carried out community development programs with such funds.
   c.   The Department is further intended to serve as the entity responsible for planning and coordinating of remedial community development activities which are to be executed by the Community Development Department and other City departments. Subject to the approval of the Mayor and the Council, approved funding for community development projects shall be provided in the budget for the Community Development Department and such other City departments or other governments/agencies as may be responsible for assisting in the execution of community development activities.
   d.   To the extent that the provisions of Los Angeles Administrative Code Section 14.1 et seq. are inconsistent with the provisions of Los Angeles Administrative Code Section 22.468, the provisions of Los Angeles Administrative Code Section 14.1 et seq. shall control.
Added by Ord. No. 148,792, Eff. 10-16-79, Oper. 1-1-77.
Amended by: Subsec. a.10., Ord. No. 152,954, Eff. 10-26-79; Subsec. a.2., a.7., and b., Ord. No. 157,596, Eff. 5-15-83; Subsec. a.2. and b., Ord. No. 166,009, Eff. 8-2-90; Ord. No. 170,123, Eff. 11-23-94; Subsec. d. added, Ord. No. 170,388, Eff. 3-18-95; Ord. No. 173,363, Eff. 7-29-00, Oper. 7-1-00.