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Sec. 22.229. Qualifications for Members in Corps.
   The Board of Police Commissioners, with the assistance of the Department of Personnel, shall establish the requirements to be met by persons to qualify to become members of the Corps. These requirements shall include, but need not be limited to physical, mental, aptitude, personality inventory and character standards, and any training requirements of these persons established by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, or in the discretion of the Board, higher standards and training requirements. It shall be the duty of the Chief to provide the training for these persons and also any further training for members, which the Chief or the Board may deem to be necessary or desirable.
   Whenever all of the requirements to qualify to become a member shall have been met by any person and the person shall have certified in writing that the person has read the provisions of this article, the provisions of Article 3 of Chapter 14 of this division, and the provisions of Section 1206 of the City Charter, the person may be appointed and sworn in as a member by the Chief or by a Deputy Chief of Police designated by the Chief for such purpose. However, the Chief or any such designated Deputy Chief, with or without cause therefor, need not appoint and swear in any particular person as a member.
   Any person who shall be a member on the effective date of this article may be continued as such only if the person shall be certified in writing that the person has read the ordinance and City Charter provisions referred to in the next preceding paragraph.
   The Chief, with or without cause therefor, may terminate any member at any time and any member may resign as such at any time by written notification thereof to the Chief. Any member who shall cease to be such shall surrender, at the time the member shall cease to be such, all property of the City which shall have been issued to the member pursuant to the provisions of this article or otherwise.
   The Chief, by order, any either decrease the number of members of the Corps or, subject to the restrictions and limitations contained in this article, increase the number of members thereof.
Based on Ord. No. 137,603.
Amended by: Second Para. Repealed, Third Para. Amended, Ord. No. 173,290, Eff. 6-30-00, Oper. 7-1-00; Ord. No. 173,536, Eff. 11-6-00; Ord. No. 173,782, Eff. 3-29-01; Renumbered From Former Sec. 22.228 and First Para. Amended, Ord. No. 177,374, Eff. 4-9-06.