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Sec. 20.51.1. Furnishing Council Calendars, Journals and Council Committee Agendas.
   The following fees shall be charged for mailing single copies of Council calendars, journals, referral calendars and Council committee agendas as a subscription service:
Annual Fee
$ 72.00
Referral Calendars
$ 38.00
$ 24.00
Committee Agendas
$ 24.00
All of the above publications
   The fees for these services shall be paid annually upon commencement or renewal of the service. No portion of any of these fees shall be refunded in the event the request for subscription service is canceled before the end of the subscription term. Fees may be prorated for subscriptions of less than one year duration provided that the minimum fee shall not be less than one-fourth of the above-established annual fee.
   No fee shall be charged where the requesting party is authorized by law to receive the publications free of charge.
Added by Ord. No. 143,168, Eff. 5-4-72, Oper. 7-1-72.
Amended by: Ord. No. 150,745, Eff. 5-12-78; Ord. No. 153,220, Eff. 1-21-80, Oper. 2-1-80; Ord. No. 177,847, Eff. 9-29-06.