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Sec. 19.120. Authorization.
   The City may offer and pay rewards pursuant to its existing reward program as redefined herein, and as authorized by those provisions of Sections 53069.5 and 53069.7 of the Government Code of the State of California. The City hereby adopts this chapter as its reward program.
Added by Ord. No. 150,389, Eff. 12-5-77.
Amended by: Ord. No. 158,157*, Eff. 9-4-83; Term “Chapter” became “Article”, Main Title of Chapter 12, Ord. No. 164,743, Eff. 5-21-89.
   * Reward offers by the City prior to the effective date of this ordinance and not paid or otherwise terminated at that time, shall not terminate or be otherwise affected by this ordinance but instead shall be processed, and appropriations for rewards, if any, shall be paid pursuant to the law as it existed at the time of the offer of reward.