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Sec. 6.336. Conduct of Maintenance Work and Establishment of Special Fund for Payment of Maintenance Work.
   (a)   Upon confirmation of the assessment, the City shall thereafter maintain the specified facilities until such time as the district may be dissolved. Such maintenance may be done by City personnel, or by contract awarded pursuant to the City Charter.
   (b)   A special fund designated as the “Sewer Pumping Facilities Maintenance Assessment Fund” shall be established in the City Treasury. All sums collected on account of assessments, amounts advanced by the City Council, and interest from maintenance trust accounts shall be placed in this special fund to the credit of the district with respect to which the money has been collected. A separate account shall be maintained for each assessment district which shall be known as an assessment district account. Payment shall be made out of an account in the special fund only for the maintenance of sewer pumping facilities in the assessment district to which the account pertains.
   (c)   Sums may be advanced from any fund to the “Sewer Pumping Facilities Maintenance Assessment Fund” by the City Council in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 6.324 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code.
   (d)   Maintenance trust accounts established subsequent to the effective date of this article, to maintain facilities which are the subject of an assessment district formed under this article, maybe refunded to the depositor, or an assignee of the depositor. Such refund shall be made only if a written claim is filed by the depositor or assignee with the City Engineer within three years after the diagram of the assessment district has been recorded. A refund shall not include accrued interest. No refund shall be made within the first year following recordation of the diagram of the district.
Added by Ord. No. 159,089, Eff. 7-28-84.