After the pre-application stage, the subdivider shall submit an application for preliminary development plan review for tentative approval by the Planning Commission prior to the formulation and submittal of detailed construction drawings. The preliminary development plan shall conform to the requirements as set forth in this section of these Subdivision Regulations and shall be prepared by a professional engineer or surveyor licensed in the State of Ohio or the cooperation thereof with other professionals certified to prepare development plans such as planners or architects. The submission of a preliminary plan is not for the purpose of recording and therefore not to be considered as the filing of a plat and shall not begin the time within which the Commission must act on a plat.  (Ord. 24-2013. Passed 4-1-13.)
   (a)   Application for Preliminary Development Plan Review. One copy of a completed preliminary development plan application, signed and dated by the applicant or his authorized representative shall be submitted to the Planning Commission together with ten (10) copies of the proposed preliminary development plan and supplemental information specified in subsection (b) through (d) hereof not less than twenty-one (21) days before the meeting of the Planning Commission. Upon receipt of the completed application, preliminary development plan and supplemental information, the Commission, acting through the staff, shall within ten (10) working days , determine if the plan is sufficiently complete and shall place the proposed preliminary development plan on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission. An incomplete application will not be placed on the agenda until all information is submitted within the time frame as required in this section.
   (b)   Preliminary Development Plan Form. The preliminary development plan shall be drawn on one or more sheets at a scale not less than one hundred (100) feet to the inch on paper with a minimum size of 11 inch x 17-inch and a maximum of 24-inch x 36-inch.
   (c)   Preliminary Development Plan Content. The preliminary development plan shall contain the following information for the entire tract of land in a proposed subdivision:
      (1)   Proposed name of the subdivision, which shall not duplicate or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision in the Village, except for subsequent subdivisions in the same general development.
      (2)   Location by section, range, county, state and adjacent surveys.
      (3)   Names, addresses and phone numbers of the owner, subdivider and professional engineer, surveyor, planner or architect who prepared the development plan, and the appropriate registration numbers and seals.
      (4)   Bearings and distances of the subdivision boundary, its acreage and the date of survey. The subdivision boundary shall be indicated by a solid heavy line.
      (5)   Subdivision boundaries shall be based on an accurate survey in compliance with the Minimum Standards for Boundary Surveys in the State of Ohio and the measurement specifications as contained in Chapter 4733-37 of the Ohio Administrative Code.
      (6)   North arrow, a graphic scale and a written scale.
      (7)   Names of adjacent subdivisions, owners of adjoining parcels of unsubdivided land and the location of their boundary lines.
      (8)   Location, width and names of all existing public and private streets, drives, rail-road rights of way, easements, parks, and corporation, township, and municipality lines.
      (9)   Location of wooded areas, embankments, drainage patterns, streams and water courses, riparian zones and water bodies, wetlands and vernal pools, and other significant topographic and natural features including watersheds within and adjacent to the development plan for a minimum distance of two hundred (200) feet.
      (10)   Delineation of the 100-year flood boundary and the 100-year flood elevation as determined from the Flood Insurance Rate Maps of the National Flood Insurance Program shall be boldly indicated on the preliminary development plan.
      (11)   Location of existing buildings, structures, towers, power transmission poles and lines, fences, walls, known cemeteries, historical and archeological sites, and other significant or man-made features.
      (12)   Existing sanitary sewers, water lines, storm sewers, drainage structures, culverts, oil and gas wells and distribution lines, other underground utilities and structures, and active and abandoned mines within and adjacent to the tract.
      (13)   Zoning classification of the tract and adjoining properties and a description of proposed zoning changes, if any.
      (14)   Existing and proposed contours at an interval of not greater than two (2) feet if the slope of the ground is fifteen percent (15%) or less; and not greater than five (5) feet where the slope is more than fifteen percent (15%). Existing contours shall be shown by dashed lines and proposed contours shall be shown by solid lines on this topographic map. Elevations shall be based on the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD 88).
      (15)   Location and elevation of the nearest United States Geological Survey (USGS) bench mark used.
      (16)   Location, type, name, and widths of proposed streets, curbing, sidewalks and easements. Center line distances and radius of curves at the right of way and pavement edge, and a typical section of the proposed street. Total length and area of proposed streets. The arrangement of streets shall be shown for the entire tract of land in a proposed subdivision.
      (17)   Location of all proposed soil boring sites along the proposed roadway as deemed necessary by the Road Commissioner in accordance with the requirements of Section 1105.16 of these Subdivision Regulations.
      (18)   Building setback lines with dimensions (min 60' from front the right-of- way).
      (19)   Type of water supply and wastewater disposal proposed, approximate location and dimensions of all proposed water mains and sewer lines showing their connection with the existing system.
      (20)   Storm drainage easements and detention areas.
      (21)   All proposed utility easements, including natural gas, electric, and cable.
      (22)   Lot design and lot numbers, dimensions and frontage distance at the right- of-way line of each lot. When a lot is located on a curved street or when side lot lines are not at ninety (90) degree angles. The approximate width at the front property line (street right of way) and the front building line and building setback line shall be shown in dimensions and chords. Proposed lot lines shall be shown as solid lines.
      (23)   Location and acreage of land to be established as public and/or open space within the proposed development.
      (24)   A vicinity map at a scale of not less than two thousand (2,000) feet to the inch shall be shown on, or accompany the development plan showing the relation of the tract to adjoining property and to all streets, municipal, township, and county boundaries, and streams existing within one thousand (1,000) feet of any part of the property proposed to be developed.
      (25)   A table showing the total acreage contained in the proposed subdivision, the acreage in lots, the acreage in roads and the acreage in proposed open space and recreational areas.
   (d)   Supplementary Information. The following information shall be supplied in addition to the requirements of Section 1103.10(c):
      (1)   Where individual sewage disposal systems are proposed, the developer shall be required to obtain Conceptual Approval from the Trumbull County Health Department in accordance with Section 1106.04(b) prior to the submittal of a preliminary plan for Planning Commission approval.  For effects of Conceptual Approval, see Section 1106.04(c).
      (2)   Where private water systems are proposed, the developer shall be required to submit a letter from the Trumbull County Health Department and/or the Environmental Protection Agency indicating that an individual water supply from private wells is feasible for the proposed development.
      (3)   A statement of proposed use of lots, giving type and number of dwelling units, type of business or industry, and acreage of each.
      (4)   For commercial and industrial development, the location, dimensions, and approximate grade of proposed parking and loading areas, pedestrian walks, streets, and points of vehicular ingress and egress to the development.
      (5)   Declaration of covenants, grants of easements, conditions, and restrictions.
      (6)   The developer shall submit an affidavit from the Department of Natural Resources concerning endangered and/or protected species within the area of the proposed project.
      (7)   The Planning Administrator or authorized staff representative may request the inclusion of additional items deemed pertinent to further evaluate the project’s merit in accordance to these Regulations.
         (Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)
   (e)   Transmission of Preliminary Plan. The Village Planning Administrator in review of the preliminary plan shall send copies to the following officials and agencies for their information, review and recommendations: The Technical Review Committee consists of:
      (1)   Village Engineer;
      (2)   County Board of Health (as needed);
      (3)   Village Street Commissioner;
      (4)   County Sanitary Engineer (as needed or where applicable);
      (5)   Village Board of Public Affairs.
All agencies shall conduct their review within ten (10) days of receiving the preliminary plan and submit their recommendations to the Planning Administrator one (1) week prior to the next meeting of the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 24-2013. Passed 4-1-13.)
   (f)   Preliminary Development Plan Review. Upon the proper submission of the preliminary development plan within the time frame as stated in Section 1103.10(a), the plan shall be placed on the agenda one (1) week prior to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission. The Commission shall examine all information submitted including reports of the agencies involved to determine the completeness of the documents submitted in accordance with the requirements of this section and review the preliminary plan for compliance with the Regulations. All agency reports must be received and addressed at the Commission meeting. Upon completion of its review, the Commission shall take one of the following actions:
      (1)   If the plan is sufficiently complete, the Commission shall approve or deny the proposed plan or the approval of some modification thereof.
      (2)   If the plan is in contrast with any part of these Regulations or any local, state or federal regulation, or if additional information or a plan revision is required, the Commission shall not approve the plan.
   (g)   Action. Following the informal meeting between the Village Engineer the Planning Administrator and the Road Commissioner for review and action of the preliminary plan, the Planning Commission shall determine whether the plan complies with the full provisions of these Regulations and do one of the following:
      (1)   Approve the preliminary plan and notify the developer in writing.
      (2)   Conditionally approve the preliminary plan and notify the developer in writing of the conditions of approval. Ten (10) copies of a revised preliminary plan shall be submitted addressing all items of the conditional approval prior to the final approval of the preliminary plan. No construction shall begin nor construction plans approved without the submittal of the revised preliminary plan.
      (3)   Disapprove the preliminary plan and notify the developer in writing of all the reasons for disapproval and the sections of the Village Subdivision regulations that the preliminary plan and application failed to comply with.
         (Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)
   (h)   Effect of Approval. Approval of the preliminary plan is not approval of the subdivision for record. It is an approval of a general plan as a guide for the preparation of improvement plans and a subdivision plat for final approval and recording upon fulfillment of all requirements of these Regulations. Construction shall not begin until after the preliminary plan has been approved by the Planning Commission and the improvement plans have been approved by the Village Engineer, the Board of Public Affairs, the Village Street Commissioner, the County Sanitary Engineer (as needed or where applicable) or County Health Department along with any required written agreements with the Village of Lordstown Council. (Ord. 24-2013. Passed 4-1-13.)
   (i)   Changes in the Preliminary Plan.  If after having received written preliminary plan approval, the developer desires substantial changes in the plan, a revised preliminary plan shall be resubmitted to the Planning Commission for reapproval.
   (j)   Preliminary Plan Recall.  The Planning Commission may recall unplatted portions of the preliminary plan for consideration and reapproval, modification or disapproval by the Planning Commission. A recall may occur if:
      (1)   Incomplete, inaccurate or fraudulent information influenced approval.
      (2)   The subdivider has failed to satisfactorily pursue platting or conditions of approval.
      (3)   Previously unknown or new health, safety, or environmental concerns arise.
The subdivider shall be notified by letter no later than thirty (30) days before the recall is scheduled for consideration.
   (k)   Preliminary Plan Expiration. The approval of a preliminary plan shall be valid for a period not to exceed two (2) years to allow for the preparation and recording of the required subdivision plat and the development of the project. The preliminary plan shall expire, and the approval shall become void after two (2) years unless an extension of time is granted in writing by the Planning Commission. (Ref. 1102.04)
   (Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)