The process of reviewing a site plan shall be as follows:
   (a)   Administrative Plan Reviews. Administrative reviews shall be performed by the Zoning Administrator, as follows:
      (1)   Copies of a complete site plan and an electronic version, in a quantity and format specified by the City, shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator along with an application for that purpose and a fee, as established by the City Council.
      (2)   The Zoning Administrator shall review the site plan for completeness, and shall obtain comments, as he or she considers necessary, from City departments or consultants.
      (3)   The Zoning Administrator shall consider the site plan, any comments received, and the applicable standards of this Ordinance and shall either approve the site plan, as submitted, if all applicable requirements and standards have been met; approve the site plan with conditions; or deny approval of the site plan, if applicable requirements and standards have not been met. At the Zoning Administrator's sole discretion, the application may be submitted to the Planning Commission or Design Review Board, as applicable, for comment or a decision.
      (4)   The reasons for the Zoning Administrator's action, along with any conditions that may be attached, shall be stated in writing and provided to the applicant.
      (5)   If approved, two (2) copies of the final site plan shall be signed and dated by the Zoning Administrator and the applicant. One (1) copy shall be kept on file with the City and one (1) copy shall be returned to the applicant or his designated representative. If the plan is approved with conditions, a revised plan, including an electronic version, shall be submitted reflecting those conditions and signed by the applicant and Zoning Administrator prior to issuance of any permits.
   (b)   Preliminary Plan Reviews. Preliminary plan reviews shall be performed by the Planning Commission and City Council, as follows:
      (1)   Copies of a complete site plan and an electronic version, in a quantity and format specified by the City, shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator along with an application for that purpose and a fee, as established by the City Council.
      (2)   The Zoning Administrator shall review the site plan for completeness, and shall obtain comments, as he or she considers necessary, from City departments or consultants. If the proposed project is located within the design review overlay district, the Zoning Administrator shall also distribute the application materials to the Design Review Board for review and comment.
      (3)   Once the Zoning Administrator determines that the site plan is complete, he or she shall transmit the site plan, along with comments from City departments and consultants to the Planning Commission for consideration at its next meeting. The Zoning Administrator shall not be required to submit any site plan for review which was submitted less than fifteen (15) business days (excluding weekends and holidays) prior to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting.
      (4)   The Planning Commission and, if applicable, the Design Review Board shall consider the site plan and shall recommend that the City Council either approve the site plan, as submitted, if all applicable requirements and standards have been met; approve the site plan with conditions; or deny approval of the site plan, if applicable requirements and standards have not been met. The Planning Commission review shall be based on the requirements of this chapter and, specifically, the review standards of Section 1145.06.
      (5)   The Planning Commission's recommendation and, if applicable, any proposed conditions shall be forwarded to the City Council for action on the request. If the proposed project lies within the design review overlay district, comments and recommendations from the Design Review Board shall also be submitted to the City Council. The City Council shall make its decision based on the standards of Section 1145.06.
      (6)   The applicant or authorized representative shall be present at all meetings at which the request is to be considered. If the applicant or authorized representative is not present, the matter may be tabled. In the event the matter is tabled at the request of applicant, or as a result of the applicant or the applicant's representative not being present, an additional administrative fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) shall be charged and paid prior to the matter being placed on the agenda of a future meeting.
      (7)   If approved, two (2) copies of the final site plan shall be signed and dated by the Mayor and the applicant. One (1) copy shall be kept on file with the City and one (1) copy shall be returned to the applicant or their designated representative. If the plan is approved with conditions, a revised plan, including an electronic version, shall be submitted reflecting those conditions and signed by the applicant and the mayor, prior to issuance of any permits.
   (c)   Final Plan Reviews. Final site plan review shall be performed by the Planning Commission, as follows:
      (1)   Copies of a complete site plan and an electronic version, in a quantity and format specified by the City, shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator along with an application for that purpose and a fee, as established by the City Council.
      (2)   The Zoning Administrator shall review the site plan for completeness, and shall obtain comments, as he/she considers necessary, from City departments or consultants.
      (3)   Once the Zoning Administrator determines that the site plan is complete, he/she shall transmit the site plan, along with comments from City departments and consultants to the Planning Commission for consideration at their respective next meeting; provided, if the proposed project falls within the design review overlay district, he or she shall also forward copies of the final plan to the Design Review Board. The Zoning Administrator shall not be required to submit any site plan for review which was submitted less than fifteen (15) business days (excluding weekends and holidays) prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission.
      (4)   The Design Review Board, if applicable, shall review the plan and submit its comments relevant conditions, if any, and decision regarding building design, signs and landscaping to the Planning Commission.
      (5)   The Planning Commission shall consider the site plan, along with the comments and actions of the Design Review Board, and shall either approve the site plan, as submitted, if all applicable requirements and standards have been met; approve the site plan with conditions; or deny approval of the site plan, if applicable requirements and standards have not been met. The Planning Commission review shall be based on the requirements of this chapter and, specifically, the review standards of Section 1145.06.
      (6)   If approved, two (2) copies of the final site plan shall be signed and dated by the Planning Commission Chairman and the applicant. One (1) copy shall be kept on file with the City and one (1) copy shall be returned to the applicant or his designated representative. If the plan is approved with conditions, a revised plan, including an electronic version, shall be submitted reflecting those conditions and signed by the applicant and the Planning Commission Chairman, prior to issuance of any permits.
         (Ord. 4-21. Passed 1-4-21.)