(a)   Plan Levels. Varying levels of site plan review are established, depending on the scale of the proposed development and potential impacts it may have on the community and immediate surroundings. This section defines the parameters under which varied levels of plans will be required for all non-residential, attached single-family and multiple family development and defines the review authority, as follows:
      (1)   Administrative Review. The Zoning Administrator shall review site plans in connection with the creation of a use or the erection of a building or structure as indicated in Table 1145.02; provided, if a use is subject to the requirements of the design review overlay district, the Design Review Board shall first review the plan and submit a recommendation to the Zoning Administrator.
      (2)   Preliminary Plan Review. The City Council, after review and recommendation by the Planning Commission and, if applicable, the Design Review Board, shall act upon all preliminary site plans in connection with the creation of a Mixed-Use or PUD district, or as otherwise required.
      (3)   Final Plan Review. The Planning Commission shall act upon all final site plans in connection with the creation of a use or erection of a building or structure as indicated in Table 1145.02; provided, if a use is subject to the requirements of the design review overlay district, the Design Review Board shall be responsible for review and action with regard to building design, signs and landscaping.
   (b)   Applicable Projects. Table 1145.02 specifies the project categories applicable to each level of site plan.
(Ord. 4-21. Passed 1-4-21.)