(a) R-1A, Low Density Single-Family. This district is intended to create a single-family neighborhood environment on relatively large lots, while retaining the urban character of the community. It is most appropriate near the outer perimeter of the City, especially the west end. Net densities of just over two (2) units per acre can be achieved.
(b) R-1B, Moderate Density Single-Family. This is an urban residential district intended to create cohesive, single family, walkable neighborhoods at a net density of approximately four (4) units per acre. The principal use of land is for single-family dwellings and related recreational, religious, and educational facilities needed to provide the basic elements of a balanced, safe, and attractive living environment.
(c) R-1C, Medium Density Single-Family. This residential district is intended to reinforce the traditional single-family neighborhood pattern prevalent throughout much of the City. It supports cohesive, walkable neighborhoods along a grid street network at a net density of approximately six (6) units per acre. The principal use of land is for single-family dwellings and related recreational, religious, and educational facilities contributing to a rich neighborhood fabric.
(d) R-2, Transitional Residential. A variety of housing options are permitted within this district consistent with the walkable, neighborhood character intended for single-family neighborhoods. Attached and detached dwellings are permitted at densities compatible with traditional City neighborhoods and well suited as a buffer to transition from single-family neighborhoods to non-residential uses.
(e) R-3, High Density Residential. This district provides for development of a range of housing types, including multiple-family units at densities up to eighteen (18) units per acre, in order to accommodate open space and recreational amenities within each development. Consistent with the City's comprehensive plan, the district provides for housing choice in the community where increased density would be compatible with existing development and promote economically viable development on infill and redevelopment sites. The district may also be established as a transition zone between lower density residential districts and nonresidential or mixed use districts.
(f) RM, Manufactured Home Community. This district provides for a single family residential environment within planned communities to accommodate manufactured homes. The principal use of land is for manufactured single-family dwellings and related recreational, religious, and educational facilities needed to provide the basic elements of a balanced, safe, and attractive residential area.
(Ord. 4-21. Passed 1-4-21.)
Buildings or land shall not be used and buildings shall not be erected, except for the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided for in this Ordinance. Land and/or buildings in the districts indicated at the top of Table 4-2 may be used for the purposes denoted by the following abbreviations:
(a) Permitted Use (P). Land and/or buildings with this designation may be used for these purposes by right.
(b) Conditional Use (C). Land and/or buildings with this designation may be used for these purposes if conditional approval is granted by the planning commission upon a finding that all applicable requirements in Chapter 1143 are satisfied.

(Ord. 4-21. Passed 1-4-21; Ord. 251-23. Passed 12-4-23.)
All lots and buildings shall meet the minimum area and width requirements listed below in Table 1123.03 for the corresponding district requirements. New lots shall not be created, except in conformance with these requirements. In addition, all structures and their placement on a lot shall conform to the minimum dimensional requirements listed for the respective districts.
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(Ord. 4-21. Passed 1-4-21.)