EDITOR'S NOTE: Cowling Park and all other parks and playgrounds in the City are under the supervision of the Playground and Public Recreation Commission. Copies of Park Rules and Regulations are available at the Municipal Building.
1062.01 Alcohol and drugs.
1062.02 Parks and recreational areas defined.
1062.03 Violations of rules and regulations promulgated by Playground and Public Recreation Commission or Superintendent of Recreation.
1062.04 Alcoholic beverages for non-sporting events.
1062.99 Penalty.
City planners to consider parks - see Ohio R.C. 713.02
Municipal powers re parks - see Ohio R.C. 715.21, 717.01, 719.01, 755.41
Parks and playgrounds - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 755
Playground and Public Recreation Commission - see ADM. Ch. 276
Play streets - see TRAF. 412.03
Destruction of shrubs and trees - see GEN. OFF. 642.04
Desecration - see GEN. OFF. 642.05
Disorderly conduct - see GEN. OFF. 648.04