Shade Trees
1022.01   Shade Tree District No. 1 established.
1022.02   Definitions.
1022.03   Shade Tree Commission established; compensation; functions.
1022.04   Duties of Commission.
1022.05   Authority of Commission.
1022.06   Permits.
1022.07   Obstructions by trees; pruning.
1022.08   Damage to trees.
1022.09   Interference with Commission.
1022.10   Protection of trees during construction operations; excavations near trees.
1022.11   Designation of City as district for shade tree maintenance.
1022.99   Penalty.
   Power to regulate shade trees and shrubbery - see Ohio R.C. 715.20
   Assessments for tree planting or maintenance - see Ohio R.C. 727.011
   Dutch elm disease - see Ohio R.C. 927.39 to 927.42
   Injuring trees - see GEN. OFF. 642.04
   Tree trimming - see GEN. OFF. 660.14
   Landscaping - see P. & Z. Ch. 1272