(a)   Any operator seeking or holding a license to operate a concession or amusement ride at any public event within the City shall:
      (1)   Provide a complete and accurate list to the SSD of all persons, carnival and concession workers who are or will be employed by or at any concession or amusement ride. Said list shall accurately state the name, home address, date of birth, and include at least one of the following: a Social Security number; a driver's license number including state of issuance; or a state ID number including state of issuance; of all employees of carnival or concession workers who will be employed at the public event by the licensee.
      (2)   Not employ any person or carnival or concession worker who has not been listed by the licensee above.
      (3)   Within 24-hours of a request by the Chief of Police or any law enforcement officer, provide proof to the SSD that an employee, carnival or concession worker has been listed in accordance with paragraph (a)(1) hereof.
   (b)   The SSD shall provide the list to the Chief of Police who shall cause a felony warrant or conviction and sex offender background check to be conducted on all persons listed by the operator as employees or carnival or concession workers. If any employee listed on the application has a felony warrant or conviction or is a sex offender the application is subject to denial.
(Ord. 195-08. Passed 12-18-08; Ord. 140-09. Passed 5-21-09; Ord. 102-10. Passed 2-18-10; Ord. 148-17. Passed 7-20-17; Ord. 140-20. Passed 6-18-20.)