The chief of police shall keep a record in duplicate of all vehicles impounded by manufacturer's trade name or make, body type, model and license number, the names of the owners of such vehicles if the same are known and the names and addresses of all persons claiming the same, and such other descriptive matter as may identify such vehicle, the nature and circumstances of the impounding thereof, and the violation, if any, on account of which such vehicles were impounded, the date of such impounding, the name and address of any person to whom any such vehicle is released, a record of all notices given with respect to the impounding and sale of such vehicle and a record of the sale, thereof, if any. Whenever such vehicle has been sold, as provided in this chapter, one of the copies of such record shall be filed with the city recorder with the certificate of sale, and a copy of the affidavit of the giving of notice upon the impounding and sale of such vehicle. (Prior code § 42-14-13)
A. Every driver about to enter a parking space being vacated shall stop his or her vehicle and wait to the rear of the vehicle in the actual process of vacating the parking space over all other drivers.
B. No driver shall stop her or his vehicle ahead of a parking space being vacated and attempt to interfere with a driver who has waited properly in the rear of a parking space being vacated.
C. No driver shall stop and wait for a parking space unless the vehicle vacating the space is actually in motion in the process of vacating. (Prior code § 42-14-14)
No person shall stop or park any vehicle upon a street in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than twenty feet (20') of width of the roadway for free movement of vehicular traffic nor upon any laned roadway within the lanes designated for moving traffic. (Prior code § 42-14-15)
No person shall park a vehicle within an alley except during the necessary and expeditious loading and unloading of merchandise, and no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle within an alley in such position as to block the driveway entrance to any abutting property or interfere with the free movement of traffic through the alley. (Prior code § 42-14-16)
A. No person shall park a vehicle on any street or city owned parking lot between the hours of twelve o'clock (12:00) midnight and six o'clock (6:00) A.M. of any day, beginning November 15 and ending March 15 of each year. Winter parking permits may be purchased by property owners of legally existing nonconforming residential properties built prior to 1968 if said properties cannot physically accommodate legal on site parking. Permits shall be purchased and renewed annually and shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) permits per legally existing unit. The actual number of permits per unit will be determined by considering, the number of existing off street stalls and any physical space available for additional off street parking stalls. Permit fees shall be set by council resolution. Other permit conditions may be required administratively if deemed necessary to minimize negative impacts.
B. No person shall leave any vehicle parked as to be an obstruction to a public works project or solid waste collection vehicles which would be hazardous to other traffic at any time, day or night.
C. Residents or persons visiting when required by emergency or other unusual circumstances may apply to the city for a period for all night parking on the street if off street parking is not available. The city for good cause shown may authorize a vehicle or vehicles to remain parked on the street for a specified period of time provided a permit is issued and properly displayed.
D. No person who owns or has possession, custody, or control of any vehicle shall park such vehicle upon any street or alley or city owned parking lot for more than a consecutive period of twenty one (21) hours, unless authorized by the mayor or a designee and a permit showing such authorization is visibly displayed as designated on the permit.
E. The mayor, or a designee may, when conditions justify such action, declare an emergency and designate specific streets as emergency routes. Such designation shall, unless otherwise specified, prohibit parking on those streets, day or night, until the emergency designation is removed. Notification shall be by newspaper and/or radio, television, cable or e-mail. (Ord. 16-33, 2016)
No person shall park or operate a vehicle upon any roadway for the principal purpose of:
A. Displaying such vehicle for sale;
B. Greasing or repairing such vehicle except repairs necessitated by an emergency;
C. Displaying advertising; or
D. The sale of foodstuffs or other merchandise in any business district. (Prior code § 42-14-18)
No person shall park a vehicle:
A. On any public street or alley where the width of the roadway is less than twenty feet (20');
B. On the south or east side of any public street or alley where the width of the roadway is over twenty feet (20'), but less than thirty feet (30'), unless otherwise directed by traffic control devices. (Prior code § 42-14-19)