(A)   Any person, firm, or corporation desiring to engage in any business, trade, or vocation, or do anything mentioned in this subchapter, may be required to appear in person before the City Council for a license, stating the place at which it is proposed to conduct the business, the name of the owner of the business, or if the owner be a firm, the names of all members of the firm, or if the owner be a corporation, the names of the officers including the manager. The City Council shall also have the right to require the owner, proprietor, manager, or other person interested in or connected with the business to give evidence, upon oath, touching the manner in which the business has been or is to be conducted, as well as any other facts which the City Council may deem necessary. This section shall apply to the following:
      (1)   Owners and drivers of for-hire vehicles and public conveyance;
      (2)   Any adult entertainment establishment;
      (3)   Any PEDDLER (a person who travels from place to place with an inventory of goods);
   (B)   A license may be refused for any business enumerated in this section unless the City Council shall be satisfied that the applicant or the proposed manager is a person of good moral character, and a fit and proper person to conduct such a business. The City Council must also be satisfied that the place proposed is a suitable place for the conduct of such business.
   (C)   Any adult entertainment establishment is required to receive a certificate of zoning compliance from the Planning and Zoning Department before a license can be issued.
(Ord. -, passed 6-15-2004) Penalty, see § 30.999