(A)   Authority. 
      (1)   The Zoning Administrator and Site Plan Review Committee shall perform a conventional site plan review approval for development projects that:
         (a)   Do not include subdivision or consolidation of land, which are subject to the Development Code;
         (b)   Propose uses permitted in the district in which the property resides;
         (c)   Are not requesting special uses, variances, rezoning, annexation or a development agreement, all of which are subject to public hearings and their associated approval processes.
      (2)   Applications for conventional site plan review approval may be brought by the owner of a property, or persons with a contractual interest in a property, and having authorization of the owner. Any project located in the Historic District must first be granted a certificate of appropriateness prior to submittal.
   (B)   Purpose. Conventional site plan review addresses uses and developments appropriate for a zoning district, but considers that there may be potential adverse impacts for how a site is designed or used, and that require a more detailed evaluation than is otherwise incorporated into building permit, life safety, and related considerations. The standards and procedures in this section are designed to provide a thoughtful and efficient evaluation of such development applications.
   (C)   Procedure.
      (1)   Conventional site plan review required. The Zoning Administrator shall lead the site plan review process as outlined in this section for multiple-family and nonresidential development applications, where no variations, special uses, rezonings or subdivisions are required, located in the following zoning districts:
         (a)   R-3 Multiple-Family Residential District.
         (b)   R-4 Multiple-Family Residential District.
         (c)   C-l Neighborhood Commercial District.
         (d)   C-2 Community Commercial District.
         (e)   C-3 Highway Commercial District.
         (f)   C-4 Downtown Commercial District.
         (g)   O-1 Limited Office District.
         (h)   O-2 General Office District.
         (i)   M-l Limited Manufacturing District.
         (j)   M-2 General Manufacturing District.
      (2)   Conventional Site Plan Review Committee. Applications for proposed development subject to site plan review shall be considered by a committee consisting of: the Zoning Administrator (serving as chair), a representative of the PZC, a representative of the City Council, a representative of the Public Works Department, a representative of the Police Department, a representative of the Community and Economic Development Department, a representative of the Lockport Township Fire Prevention District, and others as may be determined necessary by the Zoning Administrator on an ad hoc basis.
      (3)   Conventional Site Plan Review Committee approvals.
         (a)   Application. Applications for site plan approval by the Conventional Site Plan Review Committee will be considered filed with the city as part of a complete application for properties.
         (b)   Intake meeting. Following submittal of a completed application, the Director of Community and Economic Development, or their designee, will schedule an intake meeting with the Committee and the applicant to review the project and make initial recommendations to the applicant related to the standards for approval. The purpose of the intake meeting is to give the applicant information that will assist them prior to expending funds to prepare final submittal documents.
         (c)   Final submittal action by the city.
            1.    Based on review of the final submittal application, the Site Plan Review Committee, by consensus decision (or formal vote if consensus is not reached), will either:
               a.    Approve the site plan as submitted;
               b.    Approve it subject to conditions based on the standards noted below, with a written explanation to the applicant; or
               c.    Deny approval of the site plan, with written findings provided to the applicant pursuant to the standards below.
            2.   The failure of the Site Plan Review Committee to act within 60 days, or such further time to which the applicant may agree, will be deemed to be a decision approving the site plan as submitted.
            3.   In reviewing a submitted site plan regarding the standards below, the Site Plan Review Committee may suggest alternative site plan or design approaches that could address specified deficiencies, or may note that such deficiencies that cannot be avoided would have a minimal adverse impact on the property or nearby properties.
         (d)   Effect of city action. Approval of a site plan by the Site Plan Review Committee, acceptance of required modifications by the applicant, or agreement by the applicant and Zoning Administrator on an approach to address required modifications will constitute final action regarding site plan review. All other city building permit and City Code requirements must still be met for the proposed construction. An approval letter listing any applicable conditions will serve as an official approval of the project.
         (e)   Appeals. If the Site Plan Review Committee denies a site plan review application and the applicant wishes to appeal that denial, the applicant may file the request as an appeal to a determination of the Zoning Administrator in accordance with this chapter. The appeal will be heard by the PZC and subsequently the City Council.
         (f)   Time constraints. Unless an extension is granted by the Zoning Administrator as a result of written request by the applicant showing good cause and external factors necessitating an extension, no site plan or design approval will be valid for a period longer than six months unless a building permit is issued. Within one year of site plan review approval, construction must have begun and (if not completed) must be actively pursued to completion.
   (D)   Standards for site plan review. In considering a site plan submitted for review pursuant to this section, the Site Plan Review Committee will consider the following standards.
      (1)   The application must be complete as specified in this chapter, other city regulations, or other requirements specified by the city.
      (2)   Any other application for approval by the city or other jurisdiction relevant to items considered under conventional site plan review must be successfully secured.
      (3)   The proposed site plan or design is internally logical and safe, and facilitates clear understanding of travel and circulation within the property, as well as to and from the site, by vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists.
      (4)   The proposed site plan and design do not interfere with easements or rights-of-way, or create traffic hazards or congestion on surrounding public streets.
      (5)   The proposed site plan or design does not adversely impact use and enjoyment of surrounding properties.
      (6)   Outdoor storage is adequately screened.
      (7)   The proposed site plan, or design, does not create adverse impacts related to stormwater management, drainage or erosion for the subject site or nearby properties, and complies with all local, county, state and federal requirements.
      (8)   The proposed site plan or design should not place undue burden on the city’s ability to provide adequate facilities or other utility systems serving the site or area. The site plan should integrate site utilities into the overall existing and planned utility systems serving the city.
      (9)   The proposed site plan or design must provide for required public improvements as may be directed in this chapter, the comprehensive plan, city planning documents, or other aspects of the City Code.
      (10)   The proposed site plan or design shall not adversely impact the public health, safety or general welfare of the community.
      (11)   The site plan and designs shall meet or exceed city design guideline standards.
   (E)   Modifications.
      (1)   During development of the site. During development of the site, the Zoning Administrator may authorize an adjustment to the approved site plan if such change could been have authorized in the course of the original review.
      (2)   Amendments to site plan following completion of development. After a site is developed in accordance with an approved site plan, the site plan may be altered, if, in the determination of the Zoning Administrator and based on the standards for review, in the same manner and subject to the same limitations as provided for the original approval of site plans.
   (F)   Submittal requirements. Every application submitted will include, but is not limited to, the following:
      (1)   Intake meeting (see application for additional information):
         (a)   Completed application form, including fees, acknowledgments, purchase contract (if applicable), and notarized letter of owner consent (if applicable).
         (b)   Written narrative of the proposal.
         (c)   Engineer’s estimate of probable cost for all public and private improvements.
         (d)   Location map.
         (e)   Plat of survey.
         (f)   Dimensional site plan.
         (g)   Comparable architectural building designs.
         (h)   Any additional documentation requested by the city.
      (2)   Final submittal (see application for additional information):
         (a)   Information listed under § 153.20.052, Submittal Requirements for Final Development Plan Review, and § 153.30.040, Design Computations.
         (b)   Exceptions to submittal requirements may be approved by the Zoning Administrator and the Director of Public Works/ Engineering for items deemed unnecessary, or additional information may be required as needed to conduct the review.
      (3)   Submittal requirements after conventional site plan approval. 
         (a)   All approved site plan proposals must submit revised documents consistent with the submittal requirements of this division (F), and obtain approval from the Zoning Administrator and Director of Public Works, stating that the conventional site plan is consistent with the approved plan and has met the standards contained in the Development and Zoning Codes.
         (b)   In addition, a development improvement guarantee shall be provided as specified in § 153.20.060, Development Improvement Guarantees.
   (G)   Fees. Fees for applications and processes related to this section shall be as found in § 153.70.050, Fees.
(Ord. 21-021, passed 8-18-21)