§ 153.70.050 FEES.
Project Size (acres)
0 to 3
3.01 to 5
5.01 to 10
10.01 +
Project Size (acres)
0 to 3
3.01 to 5
5.01 to 10
10.01 +
Initial application fee (all projects)
Map amendment/rezoning
Special use permit (not including PD)
Residential annexation and/or development agreement
Nonresidential annexation and/or development agreement
Concept plan review
Planned Development or Preliminary/
Final One Step Fee (combined of Preliminary, Final)
Preliminary Plan Review
Final Plan Review
Planning inspection (construction)***
$2,000 + (3% of EOPC under $200,000) + (1.5% of EOPC between $200,000 to $1,000,000) + (1.25% of EOPC over $1,000,000)
Engineering inspection (construction)*
$2,000 + (3% of EOPC under $200,000) + (1.5% of EOPC between $200,000 to $1,000,000) + (1.25% of EOPC over $1,000,000)   
Amendments to Concept, Preliminary, Final, PD
$1,5 00
Conventional Site Plan Review
Intake review (planning)
Intake review (engineering)
Final review (planning)
Planning inspection (construction)***
Final review (engineering)*
$2,000 + (3% of EOPC under $200,000) + (1.5% of EOPC between $200,000 to $1,000,000) + (1.25% of EOPC over $1,000,000)   
Engineering Inspection (construction)*   
$2,000 + (3% of EOPC under $200,000) + (1.5% of EOPC between $200,000 to $1,000,000) + (1.25% of EOPC over $1,000,000)
1 Variance
2+ Variances
$50 each additional
Plan and Zoning Commission**
$50 each additional
* Engineering fees for review and inspection fees are determined as a percentage of the engineer's opinion of the probable cost for all public and private improvements; see 153.70.050(C)(3) and (4) for additional information.
** Administrative fee applies to PZC fee.
*** A reinspection fee of $100 will apply if city staff is required to inspect the site after the first inspection.
Note: This chart does not reflect required impact fees or building permit fees. Contact the Building Department for additional information
   (A)   Final engineering review fee. At the time of final engineering submittal, the applicant shall pay a non-refundable engineering review fee of the following, based on the design engineer’s estimate of probable cost (EOPC) of total public and private site improvements, as approved by the Director of Public Works and Engineering, which includes but is not limited to: mass grading, stormwater management facilities, sanitary sewer, water mains, storm sewers, street improvements, street lighting, sidewalks, landscaping, erosion control, street signs, traffic control signs. The estimate shall be delineated into the on-site and off-site public improvements and private improvements, when applicable, as estimated by the design engineer and approved by the Director of Public Works and Engineering.
   (B)   Final engineering inspection fee. At the time of posting the required letter of credit or performance bond, the applicant shall pay a non-refundable inspection fee in the amount of 2% of the following. based on the design engineer’s estimate of probable cost of total site improvements as approved by the Director of Public Works and Engineering. Inspection fees shall be in addition to the required final engineering review fee in division (3) above.
   (C)   Reimbursement of additional fees. At its discretion, the city may elect to hire a professional consulting firm to complete engineering plan reviews and /or inspections. The developer shall reimburse the city any and all engineering review and inspection fees incurred that exceed the amounts collected in items divisions (1) through (4) above, through the project’s completion; as determined by the Director of Public Works and Engineering and the city’s acceptance of all public and private improvements associated with the project.
   (D)   Stormwater management permit fee. After the completion of the review of the final engineering documents for any subdivision or development requiring a City of Lockport stormwater management permit, the applicant shall pay a non-refundable stormwater permit fee in the amount of $250 for all developments.
   (E)   Other fees. The applicant, or petitioner, as the case may be, shall be obligated sign a professional fee agreement at the time of document submittal, and to reimburse the City of Lockport for any fees incurred by the city for hiring professional consultants (legal, land planning, financial or other professional consultants) that may be required in the review of the application.
   (F)   Excessive number of reviews and fees. The review fees listed above allow for three reviews to be completed by staff and any consultants engaged by the city to complete the required reviews of concept plans, preliminary development plans or subdivision plats, and final development plans or subdivision plats. Should additional plan or plat reviews be necessary due to circumstances created by the applicant, the city may at its discretion, charge an applicant an additional review fee equal to one-half the original review fees submitted at the time of application for each subsequent review. The applicant shall pay these fees to the city before any further review of the plan/plat is commenced.
(Ord. 18-008, passed 2-7-18; Am. Ord. 21-021, passed 8-18-21)