(a)   Each water supply service shall be subject to a service charge for the maintenance of the system and use of the water. The service charge shall be based on the size of the water meter. This section shall apply to each water meter available for water service, but shall not apply to water supply services subject to § 1040.08. For the availability of water service and usage of up to 650 cubic feet of water, the service charge shall be as follows:
Meter Size
Minimum Billing
Meter Size
Minimum Billing
5/8 inch
0-650 cu. ft.
3/4 inch
0-650 cu. ft.
1 inch
0-650 cu. ft.
1-1/2 inch
0-650 cu. ft.
2 inch
0-650 cu. ft.
3 inch
0-650 cu. ft.
4 inch
0-650 cu. ft.
6 inch
0-650 cu. ft.
   (b)   For all bimonthly consumption in excess of 650 cubic feet, the charge shall be 4.2394 per 100 cubic feet as of January 1, 2024.
   (c)   Bills for the above charges will be mailed bimonthly to the owners of the premises served.
   (d)   The foregoing charges are minimum charges, not maximum charges and the municipality reserves the right to increase the same at any time should revenue of the waterworks system prove insufficient to pay the operating and maintenance expenses and the debt charges of and for the system.
(Ord. 2023-71, passed 12-11-2023)