(A) Applicable provisions. The provisions of Chapter 1 of this title are made applicable to all PD Overlay Districts, subject to the provisions of this section.
(B) Purpose and intent. The purpose of this Planned Development Overlay District is to encourage a desired level of preplanning for the development or redevelopment of land and to establish innovative design solutions while retaining good land use relationships and compatibility with adjoining property. This district’s function is to facilitate the variation of standards of the zoning ordinance under proper planning and to achieve, where appropriate, unique and imaginative community design whenever it can be demonstrated that such variation will result in an environment superior to that possible under the normal application of city standards.
(C) Application process. A planned development (PD) permit may be requested for any proposed project and may be established in any area suitable for and of sufficient size (one acre minimum) to contain a planned development, and may include residential, commercial or industrial uses where appropriate findings can be made. A PD permit application shall be filed and considered concurrently with the zoning request and project plan application (§ 5-6-11-1
of this title) for a PD Overlay District. The Planning Commission shall provide a recommendation on the PD permit and PD Overlay District to the City Council, who shall take action on the proposal. Public hearings shall be held pursuant to § 5-6-6
of this title. After the establishment of a PD Overlay District, an application for a development plan (§ 5-6-11-2
of this title), which is in conformance with the approved project plan, shall be filed with the Planning Department and the applicable filing fee or processing deposit paid.
(D) Permit process. Please refer to § 5-6-11 of this title for PD permit process requirements.
(Ord. 533, passed 8-16-2005)