§ 5-6-11-1 PROJECT PLAN.
   (A)   An application for a PD Overlay District shall be accompanied by a project plan (maps and explanatory test) for the entire area and such other material as specified herein. A project plan is intended to provide initial details on a proposed PD, including conceptual development plans, in order to enact a PD overlay zone. A project plan need not be prepared when the city initiates the PD Overlay District.
   (B)   An application for a project plan for a PD Overlay District may be initiated by the property owner of record, an authorized agent or by the city in accordance with the procedures set forth in this code. A filing fee or deposit as established by the City Council for a PD Overlay District project plan shall accompany an application.
      1.   Project plan requirements. The project plan shall, when required, set forth the following:
         (a)   Location and boundaries for the area proposed for the PD Overlay District;
         (b)   Present and approximate proposed topography of the area including natural features that are to be retained (i.e., stands of trees, rock outcroppings, streams, canals and the like);
         (c)   General categories of all proposed land uses including (but not limited to) residential, commercial and professional centers, public buildings, school sites, recreational facilities and all common open spaces. Individual building sizes shall be indicated;
         (d)   Proposed densities of all areas indicated for residential development;
         (e)   Proposed property development standards as applicable under § 5-6-11(B) of this chapter;
         (f)   The location and width of all public and private streets and easements;
         (g)   General site data, including acreage, in total development, total acreage in each density and land use classification, public facilities, school sites and total acreage devoted to common open space, parking areas and the like; and
         (h)   General architectural details of proposed buildings.
   (B)   Review and processing project plans. The project plan shall be subject to review by the Planning Department and subsequent adjudication by the Planning Commission and City Council as follows.
      1.   The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on such application and may recommend to the City Council to approve or conditionally approve the project plan if it finds the criteria set forth herein has been satisfied.
      2.   The Planning Commission may recommend denying the project plan if it finds that any of the criteria has not been satisfied or that the project plan would be detrimental to the health, safety, convenience or welfare of the public.
      3.   The decision and findings of the Planning Commission shall be forwarded along with the project plan to the City Council. The City Council shall hold a public hearing and either approve, conditionally approve or deny the project plan. The decision of the City Council shall be final.
      4.   Public hearing procedures shall be governed by § 5-6-6 of this chapter.
      5.   The applicant shall be responsible for all costs associated with the review of the project plan by the city engineer.
      6.   Any modification to an approved project plan may be approved only when, in the opinion of the Planning Director, such modification is deemed minor in nature.
   (C)   Required findings of fact. The Planning Commission, after a public hearing, may recommend the establishment of a PD Overlay District, and the City Council, after a public hearing, may by ordinance establish a PD Overlay District; provided, they find that the facts submitted with the project plan application and presented at the public hearings confirm:
      1.   That each individual unit of the development if built in stages, as well as the total development, can exist as an independent unit capable of creating a good environment in the locality and being in any stage as desirable and stable as the total development;
      2.   That the uses proposed will not be a detriment to the present and proposed surrounding land uses, but will enhance the desirability of the area and have a beneficial effect;
      3.   That any deviation from the standard ordinance requirements is warranted by the unusual design and additional amenities incorporated in the development plan which offer certain redeeming features to compensate for any deviations that may be permitted; and
      4.   That the principles incorporated in the proposed project plan identify unique characteristics that could not otherwise be achieved under the other zoning districts.
(Ord. 553, passed 8-16-2005)