(A)   Every tow operator or driver of a tow truck will remove or cause to be removed all glass and debris deposited on any street or highway by the disabled vehicle being serviced, and will, in addition, spread oil-dry upon that portion of any street or highway where oil or grease has been deposited by the disabled vehicle being serviced. No fees for this service will be charged unless the spill requires special handling for removal.
   (B)   No tow operator or driver of a tow truck will respond to a call for service while under the influence of intoxicants.
   (C)   Towed vehicles will be taken to the location designated by the vehicle owner, driver or agent, should the person not wish to store the vehicle at the tow operator's facility; provided, however, that vehicles towed upon the direction of the police department will be towed to such a place as designated by the police officer in charge at the scene.
   (D)   When a tow operator tows a vehicle pursuant to a DUI arrest, the tow operator will hold that vehicle in storage for six (6) hours and may only then release the vehicle to the owner.
   (E)   When a tow operator tows a vehicle pursuant to a driving while license suspended (DWLS) or driving while licensed revoked (DWLR) arrest, the vehicle cannot be released until the registered owner shows proof of insurance for the vehicle towed and in such cases may only be released to the owner's agent who must submit proof of a valid and current state of Illinois driver's license.
   (F)   Once notified of a tow, the tow operator will provide the police department an approximate time it will take to arrive at the scene of a tow. If a tow operator is unable to respond to a tow request within twenty (20) minutes, the tow operator or his employee will advise the police department that he is not available. The tow operator will be marked unavailable. The police dispatcher will then call the next tow operator on the list. (Ord. 2009-4263, 7-20-2009)