(A)   Power Of Chief Of Police: The chief of police may suspend or remove any tow operator from the tow list when he finds one or more of the following:
      1.   Placement on the list was secured by fraud or concealment of a material fact, that if known would have caused disapproval of the application; or
      2.   The tow operator has violated any of the provisions of this chapter; or
      3.   The service provided by the tow operator has been substantially inadequate, because of one or more of the following reasons:
         (a)   Failing to be available for or not accepting calls,
         (b)   Slow response time,
         (c)   Excessive damage claims,
         (d)   Repeated complaints from citizens, or
         (e)   Inadequate or substandard towing equipment.
   The chief of police will provide written notice to the tow operator of a suspension or removal from the tow list. The notice will specify the reason for the suspension or removal and, in the event of a suspension, the actions required by the tow operator for reinstatement on the tow list.
   (B)   Immediate Suspension Or Removal: If the chief of police determines that a tow operator presents an immediate threat to the health, safety or welfare of the village, or if the tow operator has not provided proof of valid and current insurance in the amounts required by this chapter, the chief of police may, in his sole and absolute discretion, and without prior notice, suspend or remove the tow operator from the tow list.
   (C)   Appeals: Any suspended or removed tow operator may appeal the chief of police's decision in writing to the village manager. Any such appeal must specify the factual bases that warrant reconsideration of the chief of police's decision or other facts showing that the chief of police's decision was made in error. All decisions of the village manager will be final. (Ord. 2009-4263, 7-20-2009)