(A)   The tow operator is responsible for providing a secured lot where towed vehicles are stored, with an office at that location and staffed during reasonable business hours. The storage lot shall be located within five (5) miles of the village limits.
   (B)   All tow trucks must be equipped with warning lights and all other equipment required by state law including, without limitation, one or more brooms and shovels, oil-dry chemical, one or more trash cans at least eighteen inches (18") in height, and one fire extinguisher of a dry chemical or carbon dioxide type with an aggregate rating of at least 4B.C units and bearing the approval of a laboratory qualified by the division of fire prevention for this purpose; and have working two-way communication equipment on the same commercial frequency as the base station located at the point where calls are received. All tow trucks must carry dollies at all times and must be equipped to safely transport motorcycles.
   (C)   The tow operator must possess a valid certification from the Illinois commerce commission.
   (D)   Each tow operator will provide twenty four (24) hour per day service each day of the year. There must be an attendant or answering service on duty at all times for the purpose of receiving calls, and there must be a person on call at all times for the purpose of releasing stored vehicles or for receiving vehicles.
   (E)   The tow operator will be required to sign an indemnification agreement, acceptable in form and substance to the village attorney, to indemnify, save and hold the village harmless from any liability for injuries or damages to any person or property by vehicles being towed or stored. No tow operator will be added to the tow list unless and until a signed original of the indemnity agreement is delivered to the police department.
   (F)   Tow operators will permit vehicle owners to remove personal property from vehicles stored at their facility during business hours at no charge. (Ord. 2009-4263, 7-20-2009)