The grantor may require within a franchise awarded hereunder that all dwelling units within a franchise area shall be connected physically to a telecommunications system by a grantee by means of drop cables terminating at each dwelling unit, whether or not the dwelling unit’s occupants desire to utilize the telecommunications services provided by a grantee, provided that no such universal connector shall be made in residential homes without the written permission of the property owner. The cost and charges shall be determined by the grantor at the time such connection is required. A grantee shall be entitled to recover the incremental cost of providing a universal connection.
(2011 Code, § 14.24.120)
(A) A grantee shall manage all of its operations in accordance with a policy of totally open book and records. The grantor shall have the right to inspect at any time during normal business hours, all books, records, maps, plans, financial statements, service complaint logs, performance test results, and other like materials of a grantee which relate to the operation of a franchise awarded hereunder and are maintained at the office within a franchise territory.
(B) If any of such books or records are not kept in the local office, or upon reasonable request not made available to the grantor, and if the grantor shall determine that an examination of such records is necessary or appropriate to the performance of any of grantor’s duties, expenses necessarily incurred in making such examination shall be paid by a grantee.
(2011 Code, § 14.28.010) Penalty, see § 114.999
A grantee shall at all times maintain: a record of all complaints received and interruptions or degradation of service for the preceding three years; and a full and complete set of plans, records, and as-built maps showing the exact location of all cable communication system equipment installed or in use in a franchise territory, exclusive of user service drops.
(2011 Code, § 14.28.020) Penalty, see § 114.999
(A) A grantee shall maintain an office in the franchise area which shall be open during all usual business hours, have a publicly listed toll-free telephone, and be so operated to receive user complaints and requests for repairs or adjustments on a 24-hour a day basis. A written log shall be maintained listing all complaints, the name and address of the user, and the disposition of each complaint.
(B) A grantee shall render efficient service, make repairs promptly, and interrupt service only for good cause and for the shortest time possible. Such interruptions, insofar as possible, shall be preceded by notice and shall occur during period of minimum use of the system. A written log shall be maintained for all service interruptions.
(C) A grantee shall maintain a repair force of technical personnel capable of responding to user complaints, system outages, or requests for service within 24 hours after receipt of the complaint or request. No charge shall be made to a user in the event of a system outage, or if a repair is the result of a problem with the grantee’s system.
(D) A grantee shall furnish each user, at the time service is installed, written instructions that clearly set forth procedures, furnish information concerning the procedures for making inquiries or complaints, including the name, address, and local telephone number of the employee or employees or agent to whom such inquiries or complaints are to be addressed, and furnish information concerning the grantor office responsible for administration of a franchise with the address and telephone number of the office.
(2011 Code, § 14.28.030) Penalty, see § 114.999