General Provisions
95.01 Property numbering requirements
95.02 Planting of trees
95.03 Removing dirt or gravel from streets
95.04 Awnings regulated
95.05 Gates opening on streets and sidewalks
95.06 Obstructions
95.07 Removal of encroachments on streets
95.08 Placing objects on streets and sidewalks
95.09 Protection from construction near sidewalk
95.10 Snow and ice removal
95.11 Sidewalk construction materials
95.12 Sidewalk and planting strip required
Excavations and Cuts
95.25 Permit required
95.26 Protection of openings
95.27 Filling
Utility Poles
95.40 Permit required
95.41 Care and inspection
Charter reference:
Eminent domain, see Charter § 7.2
Street improvements, see Charter § 7.1