It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any lawfully adopted rule or regulation of the County Board of Health, or regulations of the Division of Health Services, State Department of Human Resources. The enforcement of these laws shall be the responsibility of the county health officer.
(Prior Code, § 7-1) Penalty, see § 93.999
It shall be unlawful for any person to hinder, obstruct or delay the county health officer or any of the health officer’s assistants in the lawful discharge of his or her duties.
(Prior Code, § 7-2) Penalty, see § 93.999
Septic tanks may be installed where the sanitary sewer is not reasonably accessible, provided the tank is constructed in accordance with the specifications of the State Commission for Health Services and applicable county health regulations.
(Prior Code, § 7-3) Penalty, see § 93.999
Statutory reference:
Improvement permit required where there is no approved sanitary sewer system, see G.S.§ 130A-336
It shall be unlawful for any person to create or assist in creating any unreasonably loud, disturbing and unnecessary noise in the city. Noise of the character, intensity and duration as to be detrimental to the public health, welfare and peace is hereby prohibited.
(Prior Code, § 7-4) (Ord. O-11-18, passed 10-4-2018) Penalty, see § 93.999
Statutory reference:
Authority to regulate loud noises on streets and sidewalks, see G.S. § 160A-184
The following acts, among others, are hereby declared to create loud, disturbing and unnecessary noises in violation of this code, but the enumeration shall not be deemed to be exclusive:
(A) The sounding of any horn or signal device on any automobile, motorcycle, bus or other vehicle, except as a danger signal, so as to create any unreasonably loud or harsh sound, or the sounding of the device for an unnecessary and unreasonable period of time;
(B) The playing of any radio or television or phonograph or other musical instrument in a manner or with volume, particularly during hours between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., as to annoy or disturb the quiet, comfort or repose of any person in any dwelling, hotel or other type of resident;
(C) The keeping of any animal or bird, which, by causing frequent or long continued noise, shall disturb the comfort and repose of any person in the vicinity;
(D) The use of any automobile, motorcycle or other vehicle so out of repair, so loaded, or in a manner as to create loud or unnecessary grating, grinding, rattling or other noise;
(E) The blowing of any steam whistle attached to any stationary boiler, except to give notice of the time to begin or stop work or as a warning of danger;
(F) The conducting, operating or maintaining of any garage or service station in any residential area so as to cause loud or offensive noises to be emitted therefrom, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on weekdays, or on Sundays;
(G) The creation of any excessive noise on any street adjacent to any school, institution of learning or court while the same are in session, or within 150 feet of any hospital, which unreasonably and unnecessarily interferes with the working of these institutions, provided conspicuous signs are displayed in the streets indicating that the area is a school, court or hospital area;
(H) The erection (including excavation), demolition, alteration or repair of any building in a residential or business district other than between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., on weekdays, except in the case of urgent necessity in the interest of public safety and then only with a permit from the Building Inspector, which permit may be renewed for a period of three days or less while the emergency continues; and
(I) Any person or group of persons willfully making any loud, raucous, or disturbing sound that - because of its volume or duration - annoy, disturb, frighten, injure, or endanger the comfort, health, peace, or safety of reasonable persons of ordinary sensibilities in the neighborhood or Central Business District is prohibited.
(Prior Code, § 7-5) (Ord. O-18-2017, passed 12-7-2017; Ord. O-11-18, passed 10-4-2018) Penalty, see § 93.999