(a)   Any hearing requested by a customer pursuant to Section 1042.15 shall be conducted by a committee consisting of the Water Department Foreman, the Superintendent of Public Works and the City Finance Director, any two of whom shall constitute a quorum. Hearings shall be scheduled with the customer in the City Hall, with reasonable advance notice to the customer. Service shall not be discontinued pending such hearing. If the customer fails to appear at the hearing, service shall be discontinued pursuant to the shut-off notice.
   (b)   The committee may grant an extension of time for full payment of the water bill and any delinquency penalties, upon good cause. The committee may enter into payment arrangements with the customer, upon good cause, on the condition that the full balance be paid within the time frame established in the policy from the date of the hearing. The customer’s failure to meet the established terms of a payment arrangement shall allow the City to discontinue service to the affected premises without further notice.
   (c)   The committee shall keep written records of each case it considers, including records of all extensions of time for payment and all arrangements for payment. If the committee decides that service is to be discontinued, it shall so notify the Water Department immediately in writing. The committee shall record the reasons for each of its decisions.
(Res. 83-462. Passed 6-6-83; Emergency Manager Order No. 3. Ordered 10-10-14.)