(a)   Effective July 1, 1984, if a member with ten or more years of credited service dies while in City service, the applicable benefits provided for in subsections (b) through (d) hereof shall be paid. However, no health insurance benefits are payable to the spouse of the deceased employee if such spouse remarries or becomes employed and receives health insurance benefits from any other source.
   (b)   The spouse of such deceased member shall receive the same retirement allowance as such member would have been entitled to receive (including the right to purchase additional service credit as the member would have been entitled, provided such purchase must be made within ninety days of the member's death) if such member had retired the day preceding the date of his or her death, notwithstanding that he or she may not have satisfied the conditions of Section 294.11(b). Such allowance shall be computed in accordance with Section 294.14(a), (b)(1) and (d) and shall continue until the death or remarriage of such spouse.
   (c)   If there is no spouse, or if the spouse dies or remarries before the youngest surviving unmarried child of such deceased member has attained the age of eighteen years, the child or children under age eighteen shall each receive an equal share of the allowance computed in subsection (b) hereof. Upon a child's attainment of the age of eighteen years or adoption, marriage or death prior thereto, his or her allowance shall terminate and the Retirement Commission shall redistribute such terminated allowance among the remaining eligible children.
   (d)   If there is no spouse or children eligible to receive allowances, the deceased member's accumulated contributions standing to his or her credit in the Annuity Savings Fund shall be paid to his or her designated beneficiary. If there is no such designated beneficiary surviving such member, such accumulated contributions shall be paid to his or her estate.
(Res. 88-388. Passed 5-23-88.)