When the absence or disability of County Judge/Executive shall prevent his or her serving in the office during a national state or local emergency, the duties and responsibilities of the County Judge/Executive shall be administered temporarily by the Deputy County Judge/Executive as set forth in KRS 67.730 and 67.735. It is also ordained that if neither the County Judge/Executive nor the Deputy County Judge/Executive is able to serve in the Office of Judge/Executive by reason of absence or disability, then the duties of the Office of Judge/Executive shall be assumed temporarily by a member of the County Fiscal Court as set forth in KRS 67.740 and 67.745.
(Ord. 01-01.25.11, passed 1-25-2011)
(A) The four magisterial districts are established as follows.
District | Number of People |
1 | 6,276 |
2 | 5,987 |
3 | 6,281 |
4 | 6,198 |
(B) The County Fiscal Court met in regular session on September 13, 2011, and received this recommendation of the Reapportionment Commissioners.
(C) The County Fiscal Court determined that the recommended reapportionment would be beneficial to the county and therefore accepted and approved the recommendation of the Reapportionment Commissioners.
(D) The County Fiscal Court hereby adopts the report of reapportionment as set forth above which was submitted and recommended by the Commissioners.
(Ord. 5-10.10.11, passed 10-10-2010)
(A) Any and all previous ordinances of County Fiscal Court regarding established of a 911 Board or dispatch center are hereby rescinded, except to the extent they impose fees for purposes of funding this type of service.
(B) The agreement between the County Fiscal Court and Garrard Fiscal Court is hereby adopted, ratified and approved. A copy of said agreement is attached to the ordinance codified herein and incorporated herein.
(C) The County Judge/Executive is hereby granted the authority to enter into and execute said agreement on behalf of the County Fiscal Court.
(Ord. 10-9-07, passed 10-9-2007)
(A) Definition. For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
SMOKING. Inhaling, exhaling, burning, holding or carrying any lighter pipe, cigar, cigarette or other lighted tobacco product in any manner or form.
(B) Prohibiting of smoking. Smoking shall be prohibited within the County Courthouse, the Arch “Buzz Walker” Building, and the County Judicial Center, the KU Annex and the Planning and Zoning/Building Inspector’s office, including all levels, sections, rooms, hallways, corridors and any other areas located within the courthouse; and this prohibition of smoking shall be effective during all hours of the day, including regular and after business hours.
(C) Reasonable distance. Smoking is permitted within a reasonable distance outside the County Courthouse, the Arch “Buzz Walker” Building and the County Judicial Center, the KU Annex and the Planning and Zoning/Building Inspector’s office, provided tobacco smoke does not enter through entrances, windows, ventilation systems or other means.
(D) Posting of signs. Signs providing notice to employees and the public at large that smoking is prohibited on the premises shall be posted at each entrance to the County Courthouse, the Arch “Buzz Walker” Building and the County Judicial Center, the KU Annex, and the Planning and Zoning/Building Inspector’s office; and, notwithstanding the provision of this section, smoking is prohibited in the County Courthouse, the Arch “Buzz Walker” Building and the County Judicial Center, the KU Annex, and the Planning and Zoning/Building Inspector’s office, whether posted or not. Further, all ashtrays shall be removed from all areas in the County Courthouse, the Arch “Buzz Walker” Building, and the County Judicial Center, the KU Annex and the Planning and Zoning/Building Inspector’s office.
(E) Non-retaliation; non-waiver of rights. No administrator, supervisor or official of the County Fiscal Court or county government shall discharge, refuse to hire or retaliate against any employee, applicant for employment, citizen or any other person who exercises any rights offered by this section or reports or attempts to prosecute a violation of this section and, an employee, citizen or other person who enters the County Courthouse, the Arch “Buzz Walker” Building, and the County Judicial Center, the KU Annex, and the Planning and Zoning/Building Inspector’s office, where smoking is prohibited, does not surrender his or her rights as a nonsmoker and retains the right to file a complaint in accordance with the applicable provisions of this section.
(F) Liberal construction. This section shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate and further its purposes.
(Ord. 03-13-07, passed 3-13-2007) Penalty, see § 30.99