(A) Connections to Public Water Supply. When, in the opinion of the Director of Utilities, suitable water mains are reasonably accessible and of adequate capacity to supply the extended area without impairing service to others to be served from the existing system, each lot within the subdivision shall be provided with a connection to such water supply. However, no such connection shall be required to lots beyond the corporate limits unless approved by the Mayor. Fire hydrants shall be installed at intervals of not more than 500 feet when a public water supply is available.
(B) Private Water Supplies. When subdivisions are located outside the City limits and no approved public water supply is reasonably accessible or procurable, the subdivider shall construct wells for a private water supply in such a manner that an adequate supply of potable water is available to each lot in the subdivision. No such well or private water supply shall be used until approved by the Lima-Allen County Board of Health.
(Ord. 110-61. Passed 7-17-61.)
In every subdivision, provision shall be made for the satisfactory disposal of sanitary sewage.
(A) Connections to Public Sewerage System. When, in the opinion of either the City Engineer or the County Sanitary Engineer, as provided herein, a public sanitary sewer main is reasonably accessible, procurable and of adequate design and capacity to service the extended area without impairing sewer service in any part of the existing sewerage system, the subdivision shall be provided with a complete sanitary sewerage system connected to such sewer main, including a lateral connection for each lot. The design and installation of the sewerage system shall meet the approval of the City Engineer, if a City sewer is extended, or the County Sanitary Engineer, if a County sanitary district sewer is extended.
(B) Private Waste Disposal. When a public sanitary sewer main is not reasonably accessible, procurable or of adequate design or capacity, the subdivider shall either install a sanitary sewerage system and treatment plant or provide individual septic tanks for each lot. All sewerage systems shall be subject to the approval of the Lima-Allen County Board of Health and, if so directed by the Planning Commission, the State Board of Health. Septic tanks and installations shall conform to the regulations of the Lima-Allen County Board of Health.
No treatment plant provided for herein shall be approved until an official public agency within the County has agreed to assume responsibility for the operation and maintenance thereof. Such agency may require that deed restrictions be imposed and that such property be assessed for such operating and maintenance costs.
(Ord. 110-61. Passed 7-17-61.)
Electrical service, gas mains and other utilities shall be provided within each subdivision. Whenever such facilities are reasonably accessible, installation thereof may be required within the area prior to the approval of the final plat. Trees may also be planted along the streets, the location and types of which shall meet the approval of the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 110-61. Passed 7-17-61.)
In the interest of the public health and general welfare, recreational areas shall be dedicated or reserved within the proposed subdivision and shall be of such size, dimensions, design and location to adequately serve the recreational needs of the property owners.
Recreational areas shall comprise not less than five percent of the area of the proposed subdivision, not including areas devoted to public right of ways.
The developer shall provide, to the Planning Commission's satisfaction, such information or evidence as may be necessary to indicate that the recreational areas provided are in conformity with this section prior to the approval of the final plat.
Upon good cause shown, the Commission may authorize a variance in the amount of land devoted to recreational areas, provided such variance is in keeping with the intent of this section.
(Ord. 156-72. Passed 8-28-72.)
Permanent monuments shall be accurately set and established at the intersections of all outside boundaries of the plat, at intersections of such boundary lines with all street lines, at diagonal opposite corners of each street intersection, at the beginning and end of all curves and at such other points as are necessary to establish definitely all lines of the plat, except those lines outlining individual lots. In general, permanent monuments shall be placed at all critical points necessary to correctly lay out any lot in the subdivision. Monuments shall be of stone, shall be square cut, shall be not less than twelve square inches in top area and not less than thirty inches in length and shall have a machine-cut cross on the top. Monuments shall meet the minimum requirements of either the City Engineer or the County Engineer, as provided in Section 1220.12, and shall be placed in such a manner that the top of the monument will be at grade or ground level after all landscaping and grading is completed.
(Ord. 110-61. Passed 7-17-61.)