1028.01 Plantings; Approval and Permit.
1028.02 Injuries.
1028.03 Tree Planters on Sidewalks; Permits.
1028.04 Planting Trees in Sidewalks; Permits.
1028.05 Planting, Trimming and Care.
1028.06 Tree Planting Plan; Map.
1028.99 Penalty.
Shade Tree Commission- see ADM. Ch. 250
Injuring vines, bushes, trees or crops - see GEN. OFF. 642.04
Trees, weeds and shrubs - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 668
Parks - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1060
Trees in subdivisions - see P. & Z. 1220.07
No shade or ornamental tree, plant or shrub shall be planted in any street, public highway, boulevard, park or other public ground until the City Engineer or his authorized agent first approves the kind, size, spacing and variety thereof, designates the location therefor and grants a permit, at no charge, for the planting thereof.
No person shall attach or place any rope, wire, sign, poster, handbill or other thing on any tree, shrub or plant now or hereafter growing in any street or other public way of the City or on any guard or protection thereof, except as required in the planting and caring for such tree, shrub or plant. No person shall deposit or throw upon any street or public way or into any curb strip or gutter thereof any substance detrimental to the growth of any tree, shrub or plant or deposit in such curb strip or gutter any receptacle containing such substance.
(Ord. 187-65. Passed 9-21-65.)
The City Engineer may issue, at no charge, permits for the erection and maintenance by abutting owners or tenants, upon sidewalks within the City, of tree, flower or shrub planter boxes of a size and design approved by the City Engineer.
Such planters shall bear no advertising of any kind, shall be placed only at the locations specified on the permits and shall at all times be maintained in good condition. The plantings therein shall conform to standards fixed by the City Engineer and shall be properly trimmed and cared for by the permit holder. Permits shall be revocable at any time. Upon revocation thereof, it shall be the duty of the permit holder to remove the planter.
The permit holder shall indemnify the City for any loss, claim, injury or judgment arising out of the erection or maintenance of such planters.
In situations where it is necessary to cut the surface of a sidewalk or street in order to plant trees, abutting property owners or tenants may be issued permits by the City Engineer for the planting of such trees.
Authority is hereby granted to the City Engineer to cut the public streets and sidewalks for the purpose of planting trees and shrubs.
The cost of planting trees where a sidewalk or street cut is necessary shall be borne in one of the two following ways, to be determined by the City Engineer:
(A) In cases where the City furnishes the tree and is responsible for the planting thereof, the owner or tenant of the abutting property shall pay an amount to be determined by the Shade Tree Commission to defray the cost of cutting the sidewalk or street and preparing the planting site. Such payment shall be deposited in the appropriate City fund.
(B) In cases where the property owner or tenant purchases the tree to be planted and pays for the planting thereof, the City shall cut the sidewalk or street and prepare the planting site without additional charge to the owner or tenant of the abutting property.