   The application for a permit required by Section 1020.01 shall state the exact time the opening is to be made, the probable length of time required for making the repair, the location, the size of the opening to be made, the purpose of the excavation and such other information as the City Engineer may deem necessary.
(1956 Code Sec. 301.04)
1020.03   DEPOSITS.
   All applicants for a permit required by Section 1020.01 shall deposit with the City Treasurer the following applicable fee:
   (A)   Not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) to cover the cost of repairing and replacing the surface of an unimproved street or public ground; or
   (B)   Not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) to cover the cost of repairing and relaying the pavement of an improved street or public ground.
   An additional deposit may be required by the City Engineer if, in his opinion, the amount required herein is insufficient. Any amount so deposited shall be applied to the actual cost of restoring the pavement or surface of such street. In the event that the actual cost of restoring the pavement or surface exceeds the amount of the deposit, when the applicant shall pay to the Treasurer the excess cost within ten days after being notified thereof.
(Ord. 157-56. Passed 10-22-56.)
   (A)   Permit Exceptions; Fees. Public utilities which occupy streets or public grounds under franchise with the City shall not be required to obtain the permit required by Section 1020.01 or to make the deposits required by Section 1020.03, but shall pay all costs of restoring the pavement or surface within a reasonable time after the work has been completed and not later than thirty days thereafter.
(Ord. 157-56. Passed 10-22-56.)
   (B)   Notice of Excavations Required. Public utilities which occupy streets or other public grounds under franchise with the City shall notify the office of the Director of Public Works, by telephone or in writing, of the exact location and the estimated duration of any excavation prior to making such excavation in a public street or other public ground. However, in the event of an emergency, such notice shall be given the next regular business day. When notice is given by telephone, it shall be followed by notification in writing within twenty-four hours, Sundays and holidays excepted.
   The City Engineer shall, from time to time, make rules and regulations governing the opening of public streets and public grounds and the materials to be used in relaying or repairing the various kinds of pavements or surfaces so opened. The City Engineer shall also prepare a schedule of fees to be charged for the repaving and repairing of all openings made by applicants under the provisions of this chapter. Such repairing and repaving shall be done under the supervision of the Director of Public Works exclusively, upon due notice given to him by the City Engineer.
   The method of making the necessary backfill where an excavation has been made shall be as follows:
   (A)   If a sewer is to be covered, stone sand shall be tamped solidly under and around the sewer, with proper tools for that purpose, to a depth of twelve inches. The remainder of the backfill shall be deposited in layers not exceeding four inches in thickness, each of which layers shall be well pounded and rammed with a rammer of suitable weight or with an approved pneumatic tamper.
   (B)   In the case of an excavation other than a sewer, the earth backfill shall be compacted in four-inch layers the same as stone backfill and shall at all times be compacted to a density of not less than ninety percent of the maximum density, according to the provisions of the State of Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Material Specifications, the latest edition. Care that the backfill material contains the proper amount of moisture so as to obtain the maximum compaction shall be exercised at all times.
   (C)   In lieu of subsections (A) and (B) hereof, ready-mixed "flowable fill" may be used. If "flowable fill" is used, then overcutting the trench, as shown in the Standard Drawings is not necessary. The fill shall be placed to within two inches of the existing surface. The mix shall be: 100 pounds of Portland concrete cement, 300 pounds of (Class C) fly ash, 2,600 pounds of fine aggregate and approximately seventy gallons of water. The mix will yield approximately ICY of flowable mortar with a compressive strength of approximately 100 psi.
   Additional details of backfill methods can be found in the City of Lima's Standard Drawings available in the office of the City Engineer.
(Ord. 5-86. Passed 1-6-86.)