410.01 Establishment; membership.
410.02 Powers and duties.
Cross references
Traffic control devices and signs, see Ch. 414
Operation generally, see Ch. 432
Truck routes, see 440.01
Statutory references
Power to designate highway as included in a freeway, expressway or thruway - see R.C. § 4511.011
Power to enact local traffic regulations - see R.C. § 4511.07
(a) There is hereby established a Traffic Commission consisting of seven members, to serve without compensation.
(b) The Commission shall consist of an officer of the Police Department, appointed by the Chief of Police; one member of Council, appointed by the President of Council; one member of the Division of Engineering, appointed by the Mayor; and four other persons appointed by the Mayor. The Chairman of the Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor, and all members of the Commission appointed by the Mayor may be removed by the Mayor.
(c) The Traffic Commission shall issue Orders pursuant to COL § 410.02 only upon a meeting open to the public.
(d) The presence of at least three members of the Commission at a meeting shall constitute a quorum. The concurrence of a majority of the members present at a meeting shall be required to issue Orders pursuant to COL § 410.02, except that if only three such members are present the concurrence of all such members shall be required.
(Ord. 125-74. Passed 5-6-74; Ord. 094-22. Passed 4-11-22; Ord. 159-23. Passed 8-8-23.)
(a) The Traffic Commission shall have the authority within the corporate limits of the City of Lima, to make and issue orders providing for the following:
(1) The number, type and location of traffic control devices and signs;
(2) The regulation or prohibition of parking on streets, alleys, highways or public property, including Municipal parking lots, and the authority to regulate permit parking within such lots and establish rates therefor;
(3) The regulation of the right of way at intersections of streets and alleys;
(4) The regulation or prohibition of turns at intersections;
(5) The creation, abolition and regulation of through streets and truck routes;
(6) The creation, abolition and regulation of pedestrian crosswalks and safety zones;
(7) The creation, abolition and regulation of bus loading and unloading zones and business loading zones;
(8) The creation, abolition and regulation of traffic lanes and passing zones;
(9) The regulation of the direction of traffic on streets and alleys and the creation and abolition of one-way streets; and
(10) Such other subjects that may be provided by ordinance, which shall not be limited by the specific enumeration of subjects in this section.
(b) Orders of the Traffic Commission in conflict with ordinances in existence on the effective date of this section (Ordinance 207-89, passed December 18, 1989) shall supersede such ordinances without further action by Council. The fact that any conflicting ordinances are codified shall not affect the validity of Traffic Commission orders.
(c) The Traffic Commission shall also have the authority to coordinate traffic activity, to carry on educational activities in traffic matters, to supervise the preparation and publication of traffic reports, to receive complaints pertaining to traffic matters and to report to Council, the Traffic Inspector of the Police Department and other City officials, ways and means to improve traffic conditions and the administration and enforcement of traffic regulations within the City.
(d) Notwithstanding any of the provisions set forth above, Council may, upon its own motion, review any matter considered by the Traffic Commission. Council may thereafter, by ordinance, reverse, alter, amend, revise or otherwise modify any decision of the Traffic Commission, provided that such ordinance is approved by at least two-thirds of the members of Council.
(Ord. 63-97. Passed 6-2-97.)