   (A)   The Town Council shall determine and specify, after giving affected persons opportunity to be heard, any new materials, processes, or occupancies, which shall require permits, in addition to those now enumerated in the chapter.
   (B)   The Chief of the Fire Department shall post the list in a conspicuous place in the Fire Department and he or she shall further deliver to the Clerk-Treasurer of the town two copies of the lists to be filed with the copies of this chapter provided in § 91.01.
(Ord. 1978-5, passed 11-1-1978)
   (A)   Be it ordained by the Town Council President and the Town Council, that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to burn any trash of any kind whatsoever in the open or in any container of any kind or in any incinerator which is located outside of any building within the corporation limits of the town.
   (B)   Any exceptions to this section must be approved by the Town Council.
(Ord. 1996-2, passed 3-18-1996) Penalty, see § 91.99
§ 91.11 FIREWORKS.
    The use of fireworks within the corporation limits of the town will be governed by I.C. 22-11-14-6.
(Ord. passed 2-3-1938; Am. Ord. 2012-7, passed 7-23-2012; Am. Ord. 2024-8, passed 8-5-2024) Penalty, see § 91.99